According to academics the presence of foreign universities in Indonesia can help provide quality education while opening wider doors for international research cooperation. However, several things must be done to ensure that all Indonesian citizens can access it. The discourse on “internationalization” of Indonesian tertiary education is re-emerging this year, including the prospect of foreign universities opening […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: September 2019

Is opening the door to foreign universities a good idea for Indonesia?

Four questions about the language of autistic children
The diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, is based in part on communication deficits, as well as on repetitive and limited behaviors, interests, and activities. The delay in the development of language in their child is also one of the main sources of anxiety pushing parents to consult. If language is affected in all children with ASD, […] … learn more→

Schools for the poor, schools for the rich
The serious situation of school segregation by economic level experienced by the Spanish education system has been revealed thanks to recent research. The latest data have shown the existence of schools for the poor and schools for the rich, that is, educational centers where students from families with less socio-economic and cultural level attend, and […] … learn more→

Study: Widespread sex discrimination In College scholarships
It’s rough being a male on college campuses today. If you’re not told you’re a rapist, you’re told the guy either to your left or right is. You’re told of “toxic masculinity” time and again, and never, ever, will you be told that being male is a good or desirable thing. And if you’re interested […] … learn more→

Nursing Home abuse is real. Social workers can help
The aging population faces a severe threat from the very institutions charged with providing their care. The healthcare field is bracing itself for the imminent surge in demand created by the Boomer population. As more aging adults enter long-term care, safety is a growing concern. The cost of long-term in-patient senior care averaged $7,500 to […] … learn more→

How an AI trained to read scientific papers could predict future discoveries
“Can machines think?”, asked the famous mathematician, code breaker and computer scientist Alan Turing almost 70 years ago. Today, some experts have no doubt that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will soon be able to develop the kind of general intelligence that humans have. But others argue that machines will never measure up. Although AI can already outperform humans on certain tasks – […] … learn more→

A good example
Do you share your grant applications with people? Writing an application from scratch is hard work. It is particularly hard when you haven’t done it before. That might be because you have never applied for a grant before. Thankfully, that only happens once. More likely, it is because you’ve never applied for a particular grant […] … learn more→

Grow your own writing practice
You often hear writing described as a skill. And a skill is the capacity to do something well, to use expertise built up through practice. Skills are often seen as merely technical, but a skill requires specialist knowledge and often years of training. However, it’s the capacity/ability to apply and use that knowledge that matters. We often […] … learn more→

Research in the Ile -de- France: the challenge of visibility
In terms of higher education and research, Île-de-France presents itself as a territory of superlatives and records. It is home to 150,000 research staff including more than 100,000 researchers , which puts it at the top of the pack of European regions. This place of choice, it also holds for the publication of patents, while it ranks third […] … learn more→

The deep frauds of L.A. Community Colleges
Community colleges are the ripest of fields for fraud. One might think that the for-profit schools would be the best, but for-profits get scrutiny, particularly from our state and Federal governments. As government-run operations, CC’s get a free pass from such scrutiny, and this allows endless breathtaking fraud. I’ve looked at LACC a few years […] … learn more→