Federal education minister Dan Tehan in recent days announced an overhaul of the fee structures for undergraduate degrees – and the courses based in those degrees – to direct students towards ones it believes are more likely to get them a job. Student contributions for degrees in teaching, nursing, clinical psychology, English and languages will fall by […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: June 2020

The government’s funding changes are meddling with the purpose of universities

Sweden’s digital triumph
The image Sweden presents to the world may be limited by cultural predispositions based on particular commercial symbols: Volvo, Ikea, and a few other icons of industry. Though these representative companies are extraordinarily innovative and progressive, one should not stereotype the Nation by focusing on just two companies. Sweden is a forward-thinking country in a […] … learn more→

If the government listened to business leaders, they would encourage humanities education, not pull funds from it
The federal government’s announcement they will more than double the cost of humanities and communications degrees for university students has taken the sector by surprise – not least because it goes against increasing evidence that these programs are the key to our nation’s future success. If the government wants to support university courses that lead to jobs, […] … learn more→

The systemic inequity of ‘letterhead bias’ in US law journals
Publication credentials are known to heavily impact academic career progression. In this age of rankings and metrics, prestige matters. It would therefore be dispiriting to academics to find that journals perpetuate systemic biases that work to the detriment of colleagues at less prestigious institutions. But in US legal academia, it has long been suspected that […] … learn more→

How to make your vaping experience memorable
Vaping has become an emerging trend in the last few years. The reason for its increasing popularity can be attributed to its highly customizable nature and perceived health. We have seen several smokers switch from traditional smoking to vaping. Many studies claim that vaping has become a recreational activity, and people enjoy it. It’s important […] … learn more→

The university to come: from ‘remote emergency teaching’ to ‘adapted face-to-face’
What will teaching at the university be like next year? No one knows the answer to this question, although there is much speculation about it. To try to find it, we should reflect on what are the needs, problems and realities of the different groups involved in university teaching. We cannot lose sight of the main objective: […] … learn more→

Humanities graduates earn more than those who study science and maths
Education minister Dan Tehan has announced changes to funding rates for university courses as part of a plan to create “job ready graduates”. He said: Projections prepared before the COVID-19 pandemic showed that over the five years to 2024 it is expected that the overwhelming majority of new jobs will require tertiary qualifications – and almost half […] … learn more→

Should we give up digital for education?
We know that digital is not just a technology. It also and above all corresponds to transformations in our societies and our cultures, new “art of doing” and new ways of living. It offers opportunities for the personal development of each and that of the world around us. It also brings individual and social threats to employment, respect […] … learn more→

European universities should cooperate on online teaching
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, universities have been operating in emergency mode. Because online education had not been a priority in the past, the pandemic forced universities to find a quick fix. Et voilà – the “Zoom lecture” was born. But effective online education is more than a few videos and chats. Universities are […] … learn more→

9 tips teachers can use when talking about racism
As Black Lives Matter protests rage across the world, many of us are motivated to learn more about racism, and talk to our students and children in ways that can facilitate change. Education is a powerful took for creating change. So, it’s important teachers don’t shy away from difficult conversations in the classroom, even if […] … learn more→