Every year instructors carefully plan what they’re going to teach during the semester. Then something significant happens that makes us pause and we have to resist the temptation to teach what was planned for the next day. The perfect storm was created over the past two weekends at Queen’s University, with large student gatherings during homecoming […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: October 2021

Banning large university parties won’t work — students need to be empowered to propose change

Local training is the best long-term solution to Australia’s skills shortages – not increased migration
In mid October, the New South Wales government’s top bureaucrats urged new Premier Dominic Perrottet to push for “an aggressive resumption of immigration levels” to spur post-pandemic economic recovery. Industry seized on this as the answer to skills shortages that have resulted from Australia’s border closures. The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry called for a near doubling of […] … learn more→

How to successfully start your medical assistant journey
Embarking on a career path as a Medical Assistant is a highly rewarding career opportunity. However, some individuals may be unsure where to start. Here, we will cover the most frequently asked questions about becoming a Medical Assistant and how to successfully begin your journey today. What Are the Job Responsibilities and Duties of a […] … learn more→

Is it useful to learn syntax, morphology or semantics?
The world, or at least this small world that is Spain, has a certain tendency to divide into groups: those who prefer the potato omelette with onion and those who prefer it without onion; those who want pizza with pineapple and without pineapple … and those who think that in the subject of Spanish Language and […] … learn more→

5 ways sorting Halloween candy can help children develop mathematics skills
Thinking back on Halloween, were you a “dump all your candy into one bowl” child? Or did you enjoy meticulously sorting your treats into a post-Halloween candy store and trading with others? If you were the sorting and arranging type, whether you realized it or not, you took advantage of the many informal and unintentional […] … learn more→

40% of Australia’s unvaccinated population will soon be kids under 5. Childcare will be the next COVID frontline
Once five to 11 year olds have access to COVID vaccines, children up to four years old will make up about 40% of Australia’s unvaccinated population. This will make Australia’s early learning sector the next frontline of the pandemic. A new report from the Mitchell Institute shows childcare centres are at risk of becoming major transmission locations […] … learn more→

‘It was the best five years of my life!’ How sports programs are keeping disadvantaged teens at school
Participation in specialist sport programs keeps teenagers from low socioeconomic backgrounds at school and boosts their maths grades. This is what I found in my PhD study. Being engaged in learning can set people up for success in the rest of their life. This is why experts see it as one of the main goals of early adolescence. […] … learn more→

College cost calculators aren’t precise, but they could easily be made better
The best way to figure out how much you have to pay for college is not to go by the sticker price. Instead, it’s to go by a college’s net price, which is often much lower. That’s because the net price tells you how much you have to pay to attend a particular school after […] … learn more→

Africa’s first continent-wide survey of climate change literacy finds education is key
Most Africans have heard of climate change and agree that it should be stopped. But far fewer feel that ordinary people can do something to stop it and even fewer understand its human causes. A recent survey by Afrobarometer found that over two thirds of Africans perceived climate conditions for agricultural production had worsened over the past […] … learn more→

Using internet tools in ESO improves learning
In recent years there has been a constant incorporation of technologies into schools. Teachers and students have become accustomed to the use of digital tools in the teaching and learning process. In this way, the variables that have traditionally been related to the academic performance of students must now be expanded to include technologies. Especially those that […] … learn more→