Educational innovation and teachers in search of new tools to connect with their students and help transmit knowledge and skills are a constant in the educational world, from early childhood education to university education. One of the last actors to be incorporated into the classroom as a pedagogical resource has been the podcast. The podcast starts […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: May 2022

Long live the (educational) podcast!

Addressing childhood anxiety as early as kindergarten could reduce its harmful impacts
Anxiety disorders are some of the most common mental disorders in children and youth. They emerge and can be diagnosed as early as preschool age, with half being diagnosed by the age of six. Anxiety in early childhood has consistently been associated with symptoms of anxiety throughout childhood, adolescence and adulthood, and with a lower quality of life. We are researchers with the Offord […] … learn more→

What do kids like and dislike about school? This is why it matters – and we can do something about it
“School SUX!” We’ve all heard it and some of us have felt it. It’s such a common sentiment that parents and teachers might be tempted to dismiss it. After all, school is good for you! Like vegetables. It is something you have to have, whether you like it or not. But does the intrinsic “good” […] … learn more→

Using the progressive disclosure principle in academic writing
I work a lot with artists and designers. Because I’m a bit of a magpie, I have a habit of collecting – and then using – their principles and approaches. A lot of them are interesting, because they make you – well, they make me – stop and think a bit. I reckon that visiting […] … learn more→

Do you have a girlfriend? Why we should never ask a child this question
When a mother asks Nicolás, 4 years old, if he has a girlfriend on his way out of school, the boy looks strangely at his father and says: “Dad, do we have a girlfriend?” the latest model of food processor. On a children’s birthday, one of the parents approaches Olivia, 7 years old, to ask […] … learn more→

Arming teachers – an effective security measure or a false sense of security?
In the wake of the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, some elected officials are making calls anew for teachers to be armed and trained to use firearms to protect the nation’s schools. 1. What does the public think about arming teachers? According to a 2021 poll, 43% of Americans supported policies that allow school personnel to carry guns […] … learn more→

Students are often segregated within the same schools, not just by being sent to different ones
Children from low-income households are increasingly being segregated into different classrooms from their peers from higher-income households, according to recent research I have conducted with education policy scholar Dave E. Marcotte. From 2007 to 2014, we tracked all North Carolina public school students statewide, from third through eighth grades, observing how the students were grouped into math and English language […] … learn more→

What is it about the human brain that makes us smarter than other animals? New research gives intriguing answer
Humans are unrivalled in the area of cognition. After all, no other species has sent probes to other planets, produced lifesaving vaccines or created poetry. How information is processed in the human brain to make this possible is a question that has drawn endless fascination, yet no definitive answers. Our understanding of brain function has […] … learn more→

How to save without going broke
Saving money is often considered to be one of the hardest things someone can do. However, it’s not exactly the act of saving that’s difficult. Instead, it’s the amount you’re able to save that determines everything. Not everyone can save $50 to $100 every month. Some may only be able to save as much as […] … learn more→

Want to expand computer science education? Educate more teachers
When advocates push for computer science education, usually they’re talking about boosting the number of schools offering computer science classes – with the intent to reach more students. But from our perspective as scholars of computer science education, a key factor is how many teachers are qualified to teach the subject. Data from 2020 indicates that […] … learn more→