The time has come for you to prepare your College/University application. With the change to ‘test blind’ admissions this simply means that your college essay, traditionally a requirement of any college application, is more important than ever. The future success of your life rests on your acceptance to the College/University of your choice that will […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: January 2023

Preparing your College application

Teenagers in class: a challenge with long-term rewards
The word motivation appears in an unavoidable way in any interview between a teacher and the family of an adolescent student: “It is that he is not motivated.” It is the moment in which the teacher begins to notice some concern and to assume that the interview may not achieve the objectives that are proposed in […] … learn more→

Information literacy courses can help students tackle confirmation bias and misinformation
When it comes to the news these days, what we choose to regard as trustworthy has more to do with our own world view than what kinds of news practices are worthy of trust. Many people are seeking out news that aligns with their politics. But there’s just one problem with this: we are not always good judges […] … learn more→

When AI attacks our accents
June 2022, the SANAS company announces that it has raised 32 million dollars for the creation of a technology based on artificial intelligence whose objective is to remove accents . September 2022, the platform is born not without creating interest, curiosity and excitement in both the English-speaking and French – speaking world . Such software plunges us into a contemporary dystopia where technology comes to […] … learn more→

What is a password manager and how does the LastPass data breach affect users?
LastPass, one of the most widely used password managers, has admitted in recent weeks that the security breach it suffered during the summer has affected its users’ data. This means that the passwords of ordinary citizens, their emails, their banks, their digital wallets, everything, have ended up in the hands of criminals. Although, in principle, encrypted. The fact has […] … learn more→

New Zealand does not offer tenure to academics, but a recent employment dispute shows it’s more than a job perk
Late last year, the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) initiated a process to eliminate 170 academic jobs to cut costs. The Employment Relations Authority (ERA) found AUT’s approach breached its collective employment agreement with staff and their union and ordered it to withdraw the termination notices. The Employment Relations Authority has issued a compliance order to the university, requiring […] … learn more→

Social networks and teachers: between the space for dialogue and the public showcase
Social networks arrived in Spain at a time of professional maturity for many teachers at the beginning of the 2010s: confidence in the transformative capacity of technology as well as a significant growth phase in educational investment seemed to suggest a promising future for social networks. information and communication technologies at school. In this sense, […] … learn more→

Is the shared residence always in the interest of the child?
Popular initiatives in favor of shared residence have multiplied in recent years, on the Internet and in the public space, carried by associations which pride themselves on relying on scientific arguments supposed to demonstrate that this mode of residence would be the miracle solution. against juvenile delinquency, school failure, child abuse and even the emancipation of women. […] … learn more→

ChatGPT: why is everyone talking about it?
The release of ChatGPT on November 30 marked a new milestone in the development of language processing technologies. It is in any case the first time that an AI system, directly resulting from research, has aroused such enthusiasm: numerous articles have appeared in the specialized but also general press. ChatGPT (or OpenAI, the company that develops ChatGPT, or both) […] … learn more→

Who wants to regulate artificial intelligence?
In the winter of 2016, the Google Nest home automation manager made a software update to its thermostats that caused battery damage . A large number of users were left disconnected, though many were able to change batteries, buy a new thermostat, or wait for Google to fix it. The company indicated that the failure would have been caused by the artificial intelligence […] … learn more→