Monthly Archives: August 2023

Florida’s academic standards distort the contributions that enslaved Africans made to American society

Florida’s academic standards distort the contributions that enslaved Africans made to American society

The state of Florida ignited a controversy when it released a set of 2023 academic standards that require fifth graders to be taught that enslaved Black people in the U.S. “developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their benefit.” As a researcher specializing in the history of race and racism in the U.S., I – like a growing chorus of […] … learn more→

How many words in a chapter – convention and purpose

How many words in a chapter – convention and purpose

The how-many-words-in-a-chapter question plagues book and thesis writers alike. When supervisors are asked about chapter word length, many of us hedge. It depends, we unhelpfully say, on how you have organised your results. The number of chapters and therefore words follow the way you construct your argument. You might have three cases and a cross […] … learn more→

When heroin and cocaine were seen as

When heroin and cocaine were seen as “healthy”

Many of the drugs currently being abused began their careers as “extremely useful” and beneficial drugs. This is the case of heroin, cocaine, cannabis or even amphetamines, among others . A little throwback to the most famous substances, when the uses were legal and even popular. What were their “virtues”? Cannabis and hashish, good for everything Although widely used […] … learn more→

What we lose when we stop drawing

What we lose when we stop drawing

The drawing has been and is for the human being a way of expressing his thoughts. Furthermore, as an artistic manifestation, it helps the balance between reason and emotion, and is a means for the transmission of knowledge. When they draw, children use their experiences to create elements that help them communicate and understand the world […] … learn more→

From outdoor classrooms to gardens, how Nova Scotia youth are creating healthier school communities

From outdoor classrooms to gardens, how Nova Scotia youth are creating healthier school communities

Youth and young adults hold unique, creative and diverse perspectives and approaches compared to their adult counterparts. Think about the advocacy of Greta Thunberg and Mikaela Loach around climate change and climate justice or Malala Yousafzai’s advocacy for all children’s rights to receive an education. While these advocates have challenged the marginalization of children’s and young people’s voices in the context […] … learn more→

How to encourage outdoor play

How to encourage outdoor play

Playing is essential for child development. The game helps to explore, learn about society and live with others, and promotes the physical, cognitive and emotional development of boys and girls. Children experiment, interact with others, and enjoy their environment, which contributes to their growth and overall well-being . When the game is also carried out outdoors , they access a space to […] … learn more→

How 25 years of education policy led us to believe we can only succeed in life with a degree

How 25 years of education policy led us to believe we can only succeed in life with a degree

The UK prime minister, Rishi Sunak, is putting measures in place to restrict student numbers on what he has termed “rip-off degrees”: university courses that have high drop-out rates and are unlikely to lead to highly skilled jobs. Instead, the government is promoting apprenticeships, through which young people train for a specific career while in employment. Ucas, […] … learn more→

Why the growth of AI in making art won’t eliminate artists

Why the growth of AI in making art won’t eliminate artists

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has been in the news, most recently concerning the Hollywood actors’ strike about the potential impact of AI in filmmaking. Another story involved AI being used to replicate the voice of the Canadian rapper Drake in a track that went viral. These stories raise questions about performers’ rights, and also lead people to wonder: will […] … learn more→

Despite giving students chances to cheat, unsupervised online exams gauge student learning comparably to in-person exams

Despite giving students chances to cheat, unsupervised online exams gauge student learning comparably to in-person exams

Students don’t have to be supervised during online exams. That’s because unsupervised online exams can accurately assess student learning, according to our study published in July 2023 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Our data set comprised nearly 2,000 students from a public university in the Midwest. We analyzed exam scores from the first […] … learn more→

The fast, furious, and brutally short life of an African male lion

The fast, furious, and brutally short life of an African male lion

The death of a lion in Kenya’s picturesque savannas rarely tugs at people’s hearts, even in a country where wildlife tourism is a key pillar of the nation’s economy. But when one of the most tracked male lions in Kenya’s famous Masaai Mara was killed on 24 July 2023 the world took notice. Known as Jesse, he […] … learn more→