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Arts activities can provoke empathy and inspire youth action on urgent UN global goals

Arts activities can provoke empathy and inspire youth action on urgent UN global goals

Young people have a vital role to play in addressing global crises today. Around the world, arts education is helping youth understand the issues, connect with them emotionally and take action. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals identify some of the most critical challenges confronting humanity. These include taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (Goal 13), promoting just, […] … learn more→

Climate doomism is bad storytelling – hope is much more effective at triggering action

Climate doomism is bad storytelling – hope is much more effective at triggering action

When news about the climate is published, like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s latest report, frightening headlines like “final warning” or “now or never” are often the norm. Some activists call this approach “climate doomism”, and are quick to criticise media publications and other influencers for it. Climate doomism is the view that humanity has lost the climate battle, and we feel […] … learn more→

Being eco-delegates in college or high school: what means of action?

Being eco-delegates in college or high school: what means of action?

Since 2020, each middle and high school class must have elected one or two eco-delegates . They are, in a way, spokespersons for the issues of sustainable development with their peers and can implement actions in establishments such as the installation of composters or the reduction of food waste. Our analysis of the institutional frameworks supplemented by the […] … learn more→

Is it good or bad news that the price of gasoline and diesel falls?

Is it good or bad news that the price of gasoline and diesel falls?

Gasoline and diesel are the main causes of urban pollution in Spain, which cause serious damage to human health . They are also responsible for much of our contribution to climate change. Both the price of gasoline and diesel have skyrocketed due to the current energy crisis and, as a result, their consumption has decreased. But the trend has changed, and […] … learn more→

An entire Pacific country will upload itself to the metaverse. It’s a desperate plan – with a hidden message

An entire Pacific country will upload itself to the metaverse. It’s a desperate plan – with a hidden message

The Pacific nation of Tuvalu is planning to create a version of itself in the metaverse, as a response to the existential threat of rising sea levels. Tuvalu’s minister for justice, communication and foreign affairs, Simon Kofe, made the announcement via a chilling digital address to leaders at COP27. He said the plan, which accounts […] … learn more→

‘What am I supposed to do about all this really bad stuff?’ Young people identify 7 ‘superpowers’ to fight climate change

‘What am I supposed to do about all this really bad stuff?’ Young people identify 7 ‘superpowers’ to fight climate change

Many young people feel anxious, powerless, sad and angry about climate change. Although there are some great resources on children’s eco-anxiety and climate distress, the vast majority are designed for and by adults. So, what resources do children and young people themselves want, to support them in facing climate change? And what strengths do they have when it comes to […] … learn more→

“The other side of words”: Bifurcating

“The other side of words”: Bifurcating

The term “bifurcate” has been widely used in recent months in the French media space, especially during graduation ceremonies from several major engineering and business schools. Pointing to the “ravages” on society and the planet in which technologies would participate, young graduates have said loud and clear their refusal to participate in a capitalist economic model deemed responsible for […] … learn more→

Faced with the ecological emergency, how can the programs of schools and universities be transformed?

Faced with the ecological emergency, how can the programs of schools and universities be transformed?

For several years, in France as elsewhere, higher education has been questioned about its role and its responsibilities in the current socio-environmental crises. In response, many research and initiatives have emerged aimed at better integrating the principles and objectives of sustainable development into the various curricula , in particular since the Higher Education Initiative for Sustainable Development ( HESI ) […] … learn more→

Heat and drought, a lethal cocktail

Heat and drought, a lethal cocktail

As the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere warms the Earth, the global temperature rises and, as a consequence, heat waves increase in duration and intensity . Record temperatures are coming in faster and more furiously than researchers expected. And this raises questions about what to expect in the future. The fact that temperatures have […] … learn more→

Ecological transition in school: education, buildings and school environments

Ecological transition in school: education, buildings and school environments

The ecological transition is on everyone’s lips, both internationally and in the European Union and the countries around us. In Spain, an ad hoc name has even been created for the ministry, before Environment, which indicates the current focus of its mission: Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge . Although an ecological transition does not depend only on a ministry, but […] … learn more→