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How to create accessible materials for learning foreign languages?

How to create accessible materials for learning foreign languages?

In the global and interconnected world in which we live, the importance of learning foreign languages ​​is fully assumed, as it can help us improve our academic and professional career , enrich our personal lives and even have benefits for our brain . However, it is not so widespread to ensure access to these learnings for all citizens, regardless of their […] … learn more→

“The other side of words”: Frugality

“The other side of words”: Frugality

For almost twenty years, digital technology has often been described as one of the levers of the ecological transition. It allows, among other things, the establishment of carpooling platforms, teleworking, the optimization of the energy consumption of buildings or the monitoring of forest fires, etc. But digital uses also come with a certain number of […] … learn more→

“The other side of words”: Crush

“The other side of words”: Crush

Is this flirting? No. A romance? Neither. An imaginary love? No more. If the term “crush” entered dictionaries in 2023 , we often find ourselves in difficulty when it comes to finding a synonym. There is something vague about “crush”, “undefined in the definition” to use the words of Mehdi, one of the young people met for […] … learn more→

What “shock of knowledge” for foreign languages?

What “shock of knowledge” for foreign languages?

After a political series at the Ministry of National Education, where Gabriel Attal (5 months), Amélie Oudéa-Castera (26 days) and finally Nicole Belloubet (since February 8) joined the 11 ministers out of 29 who remained in office for less than 14 months since 1958, the pillar texts of the “clash of knowledge” were published on Sunday March […] … learn more→

“The other side of words”: Illectronism

“The other side of words”: Illectronism

The Covid-19 health crisis has highlighted certain deep deficiencies within French society, particularly highlighting two critical issues: the failures of our health system and digital exclusion affecting part of the population. The unprecedented rise of teleworking, online education and dematerialized administrative procedures has highlighted the inability of many individuals to equip themselves or master the necessary digital tools. This gap […] … learn more→

Why do people have slips of the tongue?

Why do people have slips of the tongue?

Have you visited Yew Nork? Does your stummy ache? What dog of bag food will we get? In case you’ve wondered what causes such speech errors or slips of the tongue, you might like to know that all speakers – of all ages and abilities – make them sometimes. Even people who use a sign language produce […] … learn more→

“Cult objects”: Headphones

“Cult objects”: Headphones

Inanimate objects, do you have a soul? asked the poet. If they have a soul, it is ours. This is what the semiologist Roland Barthes demonstrated in his Mythologies , published in 1957. The intellectual indeed studied there the objects and the popular rites which revealed the spirit of an era and the collective affects of the country, thus […] … learn more→

7 ways to spot polarizing language — how to choose responsibly what to amplify online or in-person

7 ways to spot polarizing language — how to choose responsibly what to amplify online or in-person

Words have consequences. They can make us feel love, anger, fear, hope. Those emotions, depending on how strongly they’re felt, can incite actions. Communication scholars, ancient rhetoricians, legal scholars and psychologists have all studied some of the most basic pathways along which words do their work — how love is sustained in lasting relationships, how political leaders rally troops to war, […] … learn more→

Tact, virtue of the pedagogue

Tact, virtue of the pedagogue

Tact is primitively the sense of touch. It is not only through what we discover the tangible properties of a thing (its fluidity, softness, hardness, shape, temperature, dryness or humidity), it is also sensitivity, it is that is, touching the thing. Unlike sight, which is a sense of distance, it requires contact. In a second sense, which […] … learn more→

Perks of online spell checking

Perks of online spell checking

Proofreading is probably one of the most important parts of writing. As a lot of professional writers often say, “writing is rewriting.” It then follows that how effective you are with proofreading greatly effects how proficient you are as a writer. However, proofreading your own work can sometimes be tedious when done unaided, especially when […] … learn more→