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Yet another massive Uni sex scandal

Yet another massive Uni sex scandal

Your typical state university campus is, to the eye, a beautiful place. From initial construction, each building is generally designed with eye appeal in mind, usually augmented by landscaping, particularly lovingly tended old trees. The student loan scam has enhanced this feature, and the gorgeous stone buildings on our stately campuses are now augmented with […] … learn more→

U Of Texas: Masculinity is a mental health issue

U Of Texas: Masculinity is a mental health issue

One of the many problems on campus today is how males are targeted to the point of being second class citizens. As faculty, I’ve been warned against giving homework and tests, because these things discourage students…but admin doesn’t understand how creating a climate of hatred against males is discouraging male students from coming to campus […] … learn more→

White genocide advocate Professor resigns

White genocide advocate Professor resigns

It’s so weird how much hatred there is of white people on campuses nowadays, at least some campuses. I’ve addressed this before, but the main reason for it is the white-haters, once they reach critical mass, push out all the rest, leaving no room for anything on our campuses but hatred. One such campus is […] … learn more→

Why accountability efforts in higher education often fail

Why accountability efforts in higher education often fail

As the price tag of a college education continues to rise along with questions about academic quality, skepticism about the value of a four-year college degree has grown among the American public. This has led both the federal government and many state governments to propose new accountability measures that seek to spur colleges to improve […] … learn more→

Tips for saving money when hanging out with friends

Tips for saving money when hanging out with friends

Are you preparing for the upcoming weekend? If so, there is a pretty good chance that you’re going to want to head outside and hang out with your favorite buddies. Unfortunately, the weekends can be pretty expensive. You’ll be required to pay for drinks, food and admission to various attractions. Isn’t there a way to […] … learn more→

We need to talk about it: College student alcohol abuse

We need to talk about it: College student alcohol abuse

Drinking-related deaths and incidents of college student alcohol abuse are increasing. We can no longer dismiss this as something harmless that college kids do. Most recently, 19-year old Timothy Piazza died from fatal injuries as a result of binge drinking in a Penn State fraternity hazing ritual. Alcohol abuse is not limited to fraternity and […] … learn more→

Evidence-based education needs standardised assessment

Evidence-based education needs standardised assessment

The latest Gonski review aims to improve evidence-based decision-making in Australian school education. It recognises that governments’ educational investment must be based on more than politics, just as teachers’ instructional decisions must be based on more than intuition. Like other professional sectors, Australian education must be guided by rigorous evidence of what works, for whom and in […] … learn more→

Universities need to rethink policy on student-staff relationships

Universities need to rethink policy on student-staff relationships

The Human Rights Commission report, Change the Course: National Report on Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment at Australian Universities, was published in August 2017. In response, Australian universities have taken various actions to address sexual assault and harassment on their campuses. Most are directed at making universities safer places to study and live. Measures includeintroducing mandatory responding […] … learn more→

Game of Thrones and College football

Game of Thrones and College football

  It’s obligatory to put “spoiler alert” in front of discussion of Game of Thrones; I’m going to be discussing one episode in detail, “Battle of the Bastards,” so if you haven’t seen up to that part, fair warning to stop reading now. –it’s a great shot, but this was a throwaway, a desperate attempt […] … learn more→