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How higher ed can deal with ethical questions over its disgraced donors

How higher ed can deal with ethical questions over its disgraced donors

Private donors are giving colleges and universities record amounts of money – along with increasingly frequent bouts of public shame when they turn out to have embarrassing baggage. Revelations that Yale, Columbia, Cornell and other prestigious schools in the U.S. and elsewhere accepted millions over the past five years from members of the Sackler family have raised questions from students and alumni. The schools kept […] … learn more→

Are flexible learning options giving schools a convenient way out of taking responsibility for ‘difficult’ students?

Are flexible learning options giving schools a convenient way out of taking responsibility for ‘difficult’ students?

This week, the royal commission into disability heard horrifying stories of children’s experiences in the education system. It is no wonder children with disabilities are over-represented among the tens of thousands of Australians who leave school before finishing year 12. Many early school leavers are bored or disengaged; some are escaping bullying, while others do so due to poor […] … learn more→

Four questions about the language of autistic children

Four questions about the language of autistic children

The diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, is based in part on communication deficits, as well as on repetitive and limited behaviors, interests, and activities. The delay in the development of language in their child is also one of the main sources of anxiety pushing parents to consult. If language is affected in all children with ASD, […] … learn more→

Another glimpse into online academic fraud

Another glimpse into online academic fraud

The real problem with our higher education system is the academic fraud, predominantly paid for by the student loan scam. If our schools offered a legitimate education, the bulk of the issues we’re seeing there would be irrelevant. A somewhat buried scandal gives a clue what’s going on here: NCAA Punishes Missouri in Blatant Academic […] … learn more→

7 ways to build your child’s vocabulary

7 ways to build your child’s vocabulary

If you want your child to have a rich and fulfilling life, one of the best things you can do is help build your child’s vocabulary. Research shows strong language ability is associated with a number of positive things, including happiness, friendships, connections with family, academic success and a satisfying career. Building your child’s language ability […] … learn more→

Britain already disengaging from Europe as UK government pulls funding from unique European research institute

Britain already disengaging from Europe as UK government pulls funding from unique European research institute

You may not have heard of it, but students from across Europe have been studying at The European University Institute (EUI) since 1976. Situated in the Tuscan hills overlooking Florence, the idyllic setting plays home to a unique institution dedicated to training PhD students and enhancing Europe’s research capacity in economics, history, law, and social sciences. Although […] … learn more→