Tag Archives: Academic freedom

Criticisms of academic freedom miss the mark and risk the integrity of scholarship

Criticisms of academic freedom miss the mark and risk the integrity of scholarship

In the era of today’s heated culture wars, the concepts of academic freedom and freedom of expression have become increasingly conflated. Divisive political debates around critical race theory, Québec’s Bill 32 and talk of establishing “free speech guardians” are just some recent examples. Academic freedom is being subsumed into the oftentimes polarizing rhetoric concerning what is commonly referred […] … learn more→

Academic freedom and democracy in African countries: the first study to track the connection

Academic freedom and democracy in African countries: the first study to track the connection

There is growing interest in the state of academic freedom worldwide. A 1997 Unesco document defines it as the right of scholars to teach, discuss, research, publish, express opinions about systems and participate in academic bodies. Academic freedom is a cornerstone of education and knowledge. Yet there is surprisingly little empirical research on the actual […] … learn more→

Academic freedom can’t be separated from responsibility

Academic freedom can’t be separated from responsibility

Academic freedom has become a polarizing topic. Recent issues at the University of Ottawa expose ongoing challenges of balancing academic freedom with university community members’ rights to respectful and safe classroom and campus spaces. In October 2021, the university’s Committee on Academic Freedom issued a report that examined academic freedom, freedom of expression, equity, diversity and inclusion — […] … learn more→

How far can we invoke academic freedom

How far can we invoke academic freedom

In recent months, academic freedom has been the subject of particular attention, in an entirely new way in France. This sudden interest in a hitherto unrecognized freedom is mainly explained by the emergence of various threats that come from the political, economic and militant spheres. This climate of tension goes against the necessary independence of academics in their fields […] … learn more→

Unpleasant emotions are normal and desirable in academia

Unpleasant emotions are normal and desirable in academia

We are currently witnessing a discussion about academic freedom, which is the right to teach, learn, study, and publish without economic or political pressure . An independent commission on academic freedom was recently set up in Quebec. For its part, following several controversies, the University of Ottawa commissioned a report on academic freedom from a committee chaired by the former […] … learn more→

University of Florida bans professors from giving expert testimony against state – a scholar explains the academic freedom issues

University of Florida bans professors from giving expert testimony against state – a scholar explains the academic freedom issues

The University of Florida barred three of its professors from serving as paid experts in a Florida voting rights case – sparking outrage within academia and in the news media. The university said allowing its professors to testify against the state was at odds with its interests. Critics say the move puts politics ahead of academic freedom. Here, George Justice, an English […] … learn more→

Academic freedom is paramount for universities. They can do more to protect it from China’s interference

Academic freedom is paramount for universities. They can do more to protect it from China’s interference

A report from Human Rights Watch released yesterday found students and academics critical of China’s Communist Party are being harassed and intimidated by supporters of Beijing. Human Rights Watch interviewed 24 pro-democracy students from mainland China and Hong Kong, and 22 academics at Australian universities. In three verified cases, families of students in Australia who lived in […] … learn more→

Universities’ relevance hinges on academic freedom

Universities’ relevance hinges on academic freedom

Academic freedom is widely championed as the foundation of a good university. It is seen as vital in speaking “truth to power” – to borrow from influential political philosopher Hannah Arendt – and in ensuring universities are oriented towards the common good, not select elite interests. Academic freedom also ensures universities can lead research, education and public debates […] … learn more→

The academic freedom of teachers is she in danger on American campuses?

The academic freedom of teachers is she in danger on American campuses?

Never have American universities been so taken to task in French public debates. Rare were the speeches, during the controversy generated by the recent remarks of the Minister of Higher Education on the radical research currents in the French university, which did not refer to the United States by them. ”  Demonizing  “. Indeed, according to a good number […] … learn more→