The world today is highly specialized and is divided into organizations. Now, organizations are more important than individuals. When it comes to organizations of people working towards common objectives, it is the administration that makes all the difference. An average grouping of people with effective administration will outperform any skilled but poorly administered grouping. The […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: administration
Signs you suck as administrator
University slashes programs due to budget, also hires a new Vice President
Tuition continues to skyrocket, and always this is justified because the schools need more money to educate students. For most schools, the lie here is transparent for a variety of reasons: If the student base is increasing, economies of scale should drive overhead per student down…but it does not. If the school has been around […] … learn more→
MIT Dean resigns…she didn’t have a degree
Our schools are bloated down with administrative staff. They call themselves “leaders” in education but having worked closely with quite a few of them, having studied carefully the true nature of their jobs…I’ve often wondered what, exactly, they did to justify their very high paying and extremely cushy jobs. Primarily what they did is acquire […] … learn more→
How to avoid being sucked into the black hole of administration
Basic physics I’ll admit that my knowledge of physics is largely confined to the theme song of The Big Bang Theory. Increasingly, however, I find myself staring into the electronic time suck that is my email inbox and thinking about Einstein’s theory of general relativity. I wonder, in particular, if he was thinking of academia […] … learn more→
Anonymous pamphleteer mocks University “Queen”
I’m hardly the only “anonymous” critic of higher ed out there, and the reason there are so many of us is pretty simple: the rulers of higher ed hold such incredible power, that concepts such as “free speech” or “academic freedom” don’t provide even a patina of protection from those on high. My criticisms on […] … learn more→
“4 Year” Community Colleges highlight administrative incompetence
Soaring tuition costs are forcing people to reconsider going to university, but we still have this ingrained belief that you need a “4 year degree” to get a good job. Community colleges, the “cheapo” option of higher education, are starting to satisfy this need. Hey, I’m all for lower tuition, so I should be for […] … learn more→
Dying Evergreen College: More than 1 admin per 6 students
(Alternate Title: Race Riots At Evergreen Cost 20% Of Student Base) One of the clearest signs of a school’s convergence, takeover by Social Justice Warriors (SJW), is the race riots. More accurately, it is the response to riots that gives the situation away. The normal response to student rioters is to eject the rioters from […] … learn more→
Even a Poo-Bah can be unpersoned!
A recent incident highlights so many of the current issues in higher education today. Even though I can tell the gentle reader almost nothing of the incident itself, much surrounding it is worthy of discussion. Admin, referencing me: “We’re tickled to have him here.” There’s a very depressing aspect to higher education, which admittedly has […] … learn more→
The evil teacher whisperers
The “Horse Whisperer” and “Dog Whisperer” are amazing people, and I encourage the gentle reader to watch at least a few of their shows, as they demonstrate both the individual capability of those people, and the ability of humanity to handle and control animals in ways that you simply do not see in the other […] … learn more→
Admin lies to keep conservative from campus
I know my title is unsurprising on two levels, since administration lies about everything, always, and it’s well known that conservative thinkers aren’t allowed to speak on our campuses now…but the title says so much all the same. Even if conservatism is fundamentally wrong, fundamentally flawed, the worst thing that ever happened to humanity…conservatives should […] … learn more→