Tag Archives: Bias

Bias starts early – most books in childcare centres have white, middle-class heroes

Bias starts early – most books in childcare centres have white, middle-class heroes

Only 18% of books available in four Australian childcare centres include non-white characters. Animal characters make up around half the books available, with the animals largely leading lives, and adhering to values, of middle-class Caucasians. My study, published in The Australian Educational Researcher recently, analysed 2,413 books in four Western Australian childcare centres. Most of the small […] … learn more→

The media spin on a “Racistsexisthomophobe” Professor

The media spin on a “Racistsexisthomophobe” Professor

For years I’ve covered faculty being removed from campus for having integrity, or at least the sense enough to not agree with “the narrative,” and First Amendment protections never seem to apply. Thus I was more than a little puzzled when I saw the following headline: Indiana University admits a professor has ‘racist, sexist, and […] … learn more→

Anti-communists not allowed on campus

Anti-communists not allowed on campus

It’s weird how much my opinions have changed these last few years, regarding higher education. My own personal experiences caused me to focus on the corruption and incompetence but I must admit, when looking at the big picture, that likely there’s more to the unending debasement of higher education than “merely” great quantities of corruption […] … learn more→