Australia’s position in the international higher education market weakened significantly while our border was closed over the past two years. But recent demand and application data suggest our position may be strengthening since the border re-opening was announced in November. More than 43,000 international students have arrived in Australia since December 1. The Australian share of demand from international […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: international students

Border opening spurs rebound in demand from international students

As international students return, let’s not return to the status quo of isolation and exploitation
As Australia welcomes back international students, it’s a time for education providers to re-imagine how they cater to these students. Our research shows helping them to build strong connections with other students, as well as employers, makes them more likely to have a productive and fulfilling time in Australia and to find suitable work when they graduate. Australia […] … learn more→

International student numbers hit record highs in Canada, UK and US as falls continue in Australia and NZ
International students are heading to Canada, the UK and the US in record numbers despite the pandemic, new research by the Mitchell Institute at Victoria University shows. But Australia and New Zealand continue to experience a dramatic drop in new international students. Our report, Student, interrupted: international education and the pandemic, examined five major destinations for international students: […] … learn more→

Drop in students who come to the US to study could affect higher education and jobs
Driven largely by the global pandemic, the number of international students enrolled at U.S. colleges and universities fell by 15% – or 161,401 students – from 2019 to 2020. However, early data for 2021 indicate the number might bounce back soon. This is according to new data from the Institute of International Education and the U.S. State […] … learn more→

Australia’s strategy to revive international education is right to aim for more diversity
The Strategy for International Education released today by the federal government highlights the importance of international education to the Australian economy and community. But, with the arrival of COVID-19, commencing international student numbers fell dramatically by 22% in 2020. The impacts prompted the government to further rethink its ten-year plan for international education and exposure to risks in foreign markets, […] … learn more→

As international students start trickling back, the new year will be crunch time
It’s looking much more likely that international students will be able to return for the first semester next year, with international travel for Australians opening up from November 1. From that date, there will be no cap on the number of fully vaccinated citizens and permanent residents able to fly into New South Wales. In response to […] … learn more→

Australia can rebound to be international students’ destination of choice when borders reopen
The COVID-19 pandemic is changing the face of international higher education. The sector, previously dominated by the US, UK and Australia, is losing billions to falling international student enrolments. However, our research identifies a golden opportunity for Australia to rebound as a top international study destination – but that depends on an urgent and proactive response to the […] … learn more→

How China has been transforming international education to become a leading host of students
When Australians think of international education and China, they typically consider the country as a source of international students — Australia’s largest. But China is now one of the leading host countries of international students in the world. China’s level of international education policymaking over the past decade, backed up by strategic priorities, has been unprecedented. My recently published research shows Chinese […] … learn more→

The government keeps shelving plans to bring international students back to Australia. It owes them an explanation
Victorian universities recently re-proposed a previously conceived plan to get international students back under a similar model used to fly in tennis players for the Australian Open. Under the proposal, universities would help pay for around 1,000 foreign students to be flown into Melbourne every two to three weeks and placed into special lockdown arrangements. Similar plans […] … learn more→

5 ways the Biden administration may help stem the loss of international students
Over the past four years, the Trump administration made it increasingly difficult for students from other countries to study in the United States. In 2017, the number of new international students enrolled at American colleges and universities – that is, those just coming to the U.S. for the first time – declined for the first year on record. Restrictive […] … learn more→