New technologies have always informed and changed our religious experiences. Listening to early radio broadcasts in the 1880s was experienced by many as religious because radio voices seemed to come from some other dimension. Séances became wildly popular at the time because it was thought by some that radio had opened a door to the spirit world. […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: metaverse

The metaverse could change our religious experiences, and create new ones

Children have been interacting in the metaverse for years – what parents need to know about keeping them safe
The metaverse sounds like it could be a scary place. Recent headlines have highlighted the dangers to children of the metaverse – a generic term for the range of online virtual worlds, developed by different tech companies, in which users can interact. Children’s charities have raised concerns about its potential for harm. Recently, Meta – Facebook’s parent company – announced […] … learn more→

Will the metaverse upset the bonds of friendship among young people?
Adolescence corresponds to a period of profound changes, both biologically and socially, during which the young person gradually detaches himself from his family of origin and builds a more personal world, separated from his parents, by integrating a new group: the group of peers, bringing together his friends. According to the 2020 Find Your Tribe study, 46% of […] … learn more→

5 challenges of doing college in the metaverse
More and more colleges are becoming “metaversities,” taking their physical campuses into a virtual online world, often called the “metaverse.” One initiative has 10 U.S. universities and colleges working with Meta, the parent company of Facebook, and virtual reality company VictoryXR to create 3D online replicas – sometimes called “digital twins” – of their campuses that are […] … learn more→

Six benefits that the metaverse offers to colleges and universities
Even though it’s unclear what exactly the metaverse is and whether it even exists, colleges and universities have jumped onto the metaverse bandwagon. They have augmented in-person and remote video learning with features such as gamified interactive virtual worlds, virtual reality and mixed reality. In one of the largest efforts thus far, 10 U.S. colleges and universities have teamed up with U.S. […] … learn more→

College could take place in the metaverse, but these problems must be overcome first
I dont km Higher education in the United States is in trouble. Spiraling tuition costs and a student debt crisis threaten to make college unaffordable to all but the wealthy. In an attempt to cut spending and control tuition hikes, American universities are relying more and more on temporary instructors who are underpaid, teach a heavy course load and often […] … learn more→

The metaverse is money and crypto is king – why you’ll be on a blockchain when you’re virtual-world hopping
You may think the metaverse will be a bunch of interconnected virtual spaces – the world wide web but accessed through virtual reality. This is largely correct, but there is also a fundamental but slightly more cryptic side to the metaverse that will set it apart from today’s internet: the blockchain. In the beginning, Web 1.0 was […] … learn more→

Facebook, the metaverse and the monetisation of higher education
The metaverse is a virtual world in which users, represented by an avatar, can shop, socialise, take part in leisure activities – and learn. Its development has become a priority for many tech companies, including Facebook (which recently changed its company name to Meta) and Microsoft. In a recent video presentation, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg outlined the ways […] … learn more→