Tag Archives: Tenure

Why does Claudine Gay still work at Harvard after being forced to resign as its president? She’s got tenure

Why does Claudine Gay still work at Harvard after being forced to resign as its president? She’s got tenure

Harvard University President Claudine Gay resigned on Jan. 2, 2024, less than one month after University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill stepped down. They called it quits amid uproar among conservative lawmakers and several major donors regarding what they saw as Gay’s and Magill’s underwhelming responses to antisemitism on their campuses. In Gay’s case, there were also accusation of plagiarism. […] … learn more→

New Zealand does not offer tenure to academics, but a recent employment dispute shows it’s more than a job perk

New Zealand does not offer tenure to academics, but a recent employment dispute shows it’s more than a job perk

Late last year, the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) initiated a process to eliminate 170 academic jobs to cut costs. The Employment Relations Authority (ERA) found AUT’s approach breached its collective employment agreement with staff and their union and ordered it to withdraw the termination notices. The Employment Relations Authority has issued a compliance order to the university, requiring […] … learn more→

Early-career professors want changes in how tenure is evaluated in wake of pandemic effects on productivity

Early-career professors want changes in how tenure is evaluated in wake of pandemic effects on productivity

After two years of living through a pandemic, thoughts of returning to normal have shifted to focus on establishing a “new normal.” The COVID-19 pandemic yielded profound changes to research activities and operations at universities. These have had impacts on the career progression, productivity, health and well-being of faculty members. With colleagues, I conducted a national Canadian survey of tenured and tenure-track faculty members at […] … learn more→

Academic tenure: What it is and why it matters

Academic tenure: What it is and why it matters

How would you like a job that was guaranteed and allowed you to do your work as you see fit and speak your mind with no repercussions? Most people would, and that’s the idea behind academic tenure. In the following Q&A, George Justice, an English professor and author of “How to Be a Dean,” explains […] … learn more→

Wyoming best practices: Destroy Higher Ed

Wyoming best practices: Destroy Higher Ed

A few years back, I called attention to changes to the way how higher education in Wisconsin was being run. Namely, they were introducing new rules which potentially could eliminate tenure, annihilate academics, and reorganize higher education into a jobs training program. Naturally, the politicos making the changes said that the “potential” was just pure […] … learn more→

What being a professional bodybuilder taught me about gaining tenure

What being a professional bodybuilder taught me about gaining tenure

Squatting, curling, pressing, sprinting and preparing meals with the ideal combination of fats, carbs and proteins dominate hours of female bodybuilders’ lives. Such women also spend hours perfecting posing routines and give a final few more to spray-tanning and hair and make-up styling for competitions. They may be on the competition stage for 15 minutes, showcasing what they […] … learn more→

Remove tenure by changing name of School…seriously?

Remove tenure by changing name of School…seriously?

In the Communist takeovers of the 20th century, the shapers of public opinion were targeted for either control or elimination. This is understandable, as socialist ideas generally can’t stand up to any intelligent challenge…getting rid of people with an opposing point of view, particularly those who can express that view to the public, is thus […] … learn more→

Two more States remove tenure…retroactively

Two more States remove tenure…retroactively

The mainstream media’s narrative really seems to be that tenure, and not the takeover by administrators (and social justice warriors), is a big part of the collapse of higher education. Hey, I realize that “job for life” does sound like it has immense potential for abuse but compared to the abuse administrators already deliver to […] … learn more→