Technology critics and defenders alike argue that human jobs are being eliminated by workplace automation, minimizing the need for human interaction. Another way to see it is that emerging tech is increasing our capacity to focus our collective energies — on the social, cultural, ethical and emotional demands of our rapidly changing world. Everything from smart phones to smart cities are freeing us […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: November 2017

In a time of robots, educators must invest in emotional labour

Universities are failing their students through poor feedback practices
Educators and students often struggle to learn from each other through the use of feedback. Our research into feedback practices has found that students and staff find feedback practices largely unsustainable, de-motivating and without opportunity for improvement. Researchers generally describe current feedback practices as lacking in detail, difficult to understand, ambiguous or simply unusable. The 2015 Graduate […] … learn more→

Evidence-based education needs standardised assessment
The latest Gonski review aims to improve evidence-based decision-making in Australian school education. It recognises that governments’ educational investment must be based on more than politics, just as teachers’ instructional decisions must be based on more than intuition. Like other professional sectors, Australian education must be guided by rigorous evidence of what works, for whom and in […] … learn more→

Doubling down, fiat currency, and the social justice warrior
Allow me to start by discussion of a gambling strategy that is, mathematically, guaranteed to win. Yes, I’m using “mathematically” as a weasel word, but let me explain the basics of it. Suppose you go to a casino, and you can make a $5 wager on a single die roll. If a 1 or 2 […] … learn more→

Part-time jobs in College: Pros and cons
Having a part time job in college can be greatly beneficial. There are definitely financial rewards to working part time in college that cannot be overlooked. You can invest the money wisely, for example, by using it to get assignment help online. However, there are also many negatives to take into account and navigate before you […] … learn more→

Shakespeare now requires trigger warnings
Ah the fragile college “snowflake.” These precious students are so delicate that they must be protected from shock at all times, must be provided safe spaces filled with puppies and Play-Doh. If you check alternative news, you can find endless videos of these creatures, as well as campuses eager to protect their genteel sensibilities from […] … learn more→

Want to be a great leader? Never stop learning.
Do you want to be more than just a manager at a company? Are you seeking to improve your leadership persona to get ahead in life and at the same time lead other people to success? Is it that you have no idea about leadership, but you believe that it’s time to change for the […] … learn more→

Legal aspects of e-business meant for e-commerce students
Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is a new business concept that’s emerging through the dynamic phases of an evolving business world. Based on information technology and business management, e-commerce comprises of electronic data interchange (EDI), online transaction processing, inventory management systems, internet marketing, auto data collection systems, supply chain management, and electronic funds transfer. Firms that utilize […] … learn more→

How to select the right university for you
You’ve decided a long time ago that university is the next step. Sure, there are other paths that you can follow, but you want to find a good job. Contrary to popular belief, a degree can help you secure a good job. While there are other factors that come into play, like communications skills or […] … learn more→

Requirements for Schengen Visa application
Obtaining a Schengen visa allows you to travel freely throughout the entire Schengen zone, which includes 26 European countries, for a specific timeframe. Nevertheless, depending on the type of visa and the Embassy or Consulate that issues it, you have to comply with certain restrictions in relation to the motive of your traveling and other […] … learn more→