Monthly Archives: May 2018

Calculating the carbon footprint of research is not a solution to climate change

Calculating the carbon footprint of research is not a solution to climate change

With effective international responses to climate change floundering, people are increasingly considering what they can do personally to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. This concern has crept into research communities too, with a number of thoughtful articles and projects highlighting the hypocrisy of the jet-setting lifestyles of many academics. Paul Williams, professor of atmospheric science at […] … learn more→

Avoid high student debt and dropping out by asking these 4 questions about any college

Avoid high student debt and dropping out by asking these 4 questions about any college

Even though for-profit colleges get a bad rap for being predatory and leaving students saddled with debt but no degree, a significant number of private nonprofit and public colleges have the same issues. For example, a recent analysis examined 781 colleges where most students borrow and few can repay their loans. While the analysis found that 73 percent of […] … learn more→

The Ph.D. mill

The Ph.D. mill

I know I’ve written of the tremendous glut of Ph.D.s before, but I feel this is an important issue that needs addressing, for two big reasons. First, many schools are basically degree mills, cranking out diplomas in exchange for those sweet student loan checks. The students learned nothing in their degree programs, so when they […] … learn more→

Why graduation rates lag for low-income college students

Why graduation rates lag for low-income college students

As college students nationwide prepare for graduation, a new analysis has shown that just under half of all those who receive Pell Grants – the federal government’s main form of direct financial aid for low-income students – finish their four-year degree programs on time. The federal government considers “on time” being six years for a four-year degree. […] … learn more→

Writing and stuck? try a “ventilation file”

Writing and stuck? try a “ventilation file”

I am sure that most of us have experienced that feeling of guilt and dread that comes from not getting down to a writing task. We find lots of other things to do instead. More important things. Like looming deadlines. Like people asking for our help. Like new and interesting writing. And when we do […] … learn more→

Good science doesn’t guarantee public acceptance – diverse evidence may help

Good science doesn’t guarantee public acceptance – diverse evidence may help

It takes more than just robust science to convince people to take on a certain point of view – consider topics such as vaccination, genetically modified foods and climate change. Our recent study looked how at the balance of evidence can shape the likelihood that people are convinced by it – and in particular how a psychological phenomenon known as “the […] … learn more→

History shows why school prayer is so divisive

History shows why school prayer is so divisive

The education committee of the Kentucky Senate is currently considering a bill for a “day of prayer” in the state’s schools. The bill known as HB 40 was already passed by the Kentucky House of Representatives. As a scholar who has studied school prayer this bill raises the ghosts of history. As far back as the early 19th century, […] … learn more→

Don’t expect professors to get fired when they say something you don’t like

Don’t expect professors to get fired when they say something you don’t like

A college professor lashes out on social media with a caustic political opinion. Online commentators explode with outrage and demand firings. Does the university stand behind the instructor and accept a reputational beating? It depends both on the law and the fortitude of campus administrators. Fresno State University’s Randa Jarrar is the latest to incite condemnation with […] … learn more→