People tend to look at you weird if you have four kids. And people tend to look at you weird when they find out you’re doing a PhD. So you can imagine that I have had a generous share of strange looks over the last few years. Common reactions would include: ‘Are you crazy??’ ‘You […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: August 2018

A PhD… plus four kids?!

California U: We must remove whites from campus
Identity politics has been an issue on campus for as long as I’ve been in higher ed. It used to be primarily in hiring, where we were “motivated” to hire people with certain genitals or skin color, on the basis that there “weren’t enough” of such in associated positions. I confess for some time I […] … learn more→

How parents could revolutionize education and boost results
Repeated efforts to improve public school education across Canada — curricular enhancements, increased accountability, intensified literacy and numeracy initiatives — are failing to improve student achievement. In the province of Saskatchewan, student achievement results have flatlined and only 43.2 per cent of Indigenous students are graduating on time. Saskatchewan’s results are not atypical. In her analysis of Programme […] … learn more→

Class social sciences or why the word “civilization” is no longer appropriate in foreign studies
Since foreign studies are no longer limited to the study of grammar, translation and literature of the foreign country in question, students enrolled in Licentiate LLCER and LEA also follow courses of “civilization”. LLCER actually wants to say, according to the official nomenclature, Foreign and Regional Letters, Literatures and Civilizations (and LEA, Applied Foreign Languages). […] … learn more→

Can writing skills impact the education gap?
Writing plays a significant role in helping students put together their ideas and develop their thinking skills. In order to improve their knowledge and adapt to the demands of the working environment, students need a lot of practice and as often as possible. When it comes to writing, there is always the thought that it […] … learn more→

“Healthy” students don’t benefit from ADHD drugs…Does anyone?
It’s the end of summer as I write this, so things are pretty quiet on campus. A recent study touched on a few things I’ve wanted to mention about today’s campus which never seem to make the news much: Study: ADHD drugs do not improve cognition in healthy college students Drug use is pretty heavy […] … learn more→

Leaving with Erasmus: at the school of difference?
Students who have benefited from the Erasmus mobility program are happy to use the terms “adventure” and “travel”. But they are far from being like bohemian characters portrayed by writers or filmmakers. Often mentioned as the main reason for going abroad, learning a foreign language is generally seen as a way to increase one’s chances […] … learn more→

How to beat the ‘freshman five’ weight gain
There is a widespread belief that a young adult’s college years are accompanied by weight gain — the so called “freshman five.” This is not just an urban myth. Research shows that approximately 85 per cent of overweight adults were not overweight as youth. And, by studying changes in fat mass during the period between 18 […] … learn more→

Tearing down Confederate statues leaves structural racism intact
When protesters tore down the “Silent Sam” Confederate statue at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill on Aug. 20, it wasn’t just destruction of state property – a crime for which the protesters are now being investigated. Rather, the protesters knocked a powerful symbol of white supremacy from its pedestal – both literally and figuratively. Silent Sam, after […] … learn more→

Gap back-to-school ‘hijab ad’ ignites social media
In July, Gap launched its back to school advertising campaign featuring a group of children of colour from P.S. 153 in Harlem, New York, including a young girl wearing a hijab. The ad spurred positive media coverage for its celebratory inclusivity and a massive virulent debate on social media. Many applauded Gap’s decision, which they perceived as empowering women and girls […] … learn more→