Once again, Times Higher Education’s annual global university rankingshave drawn a lot of attention from the media and in the higher education sector. In South Africa, this has focused on the four institutions from the country that made the top 500 on the 2019 list. Of the four, the University of KwaZulu-Natal maintained its 2018 ranking. […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: October 2018

South African universities shouldn’t be playing the global rankings game

I have an exam tomorrow but don’t feel prepared – what should I do?
You have an exam tomorrow and you’re not feeling prepared. With only a few waking hours to go, how is it best you spend your time? To pass tomorrow’s exam, cramming might help you write more on the paper than you would have without doing any form of study, depending on how stressed out you […] … learn more→

Thinking about borrowing against your home to send your kids to college? Think again
When the time comes to send their children off to college, many parents in the U.S. take out loans, draw from savings and earnings and – as some financial advisors recommend – borrow against their homes. In a study we published earlier this year, we found a hidden danger that parents face when they borrow heavily to […] … learn more→

Get woke, go broke…leftist School loses most of its students
When a school, or any organization, gets taken over by Leftist lunacy, it is called “convergence,” where all thought now is focused into their belief system. Their own word for this is “woke,” in other words they are now awake to the “fact” that everything is RACIST, that gender politics is everything, that, quite literally, […] … learn more→

The ethics of conference speakers
In March 2018 Stanford University in California held a two-day conference in applied history. There were 30 speakers. Every single one was male and white. Like most academic fields, applied history is dominated by white men. However, there are also many women and people of colour who work and study within the discipline. No doubt there […] … learn more→

The wildcard of examination
Without being too dramatic or self-pitying, it would be fair to say that I have endured more than my fair share of challenges during my PhD candidature. Along the way, I lost two supervisors, was hospitalised three times, and was made redundant from my work role just prior to finalising a full draft of the […] … learn more→

Revising with a reader in mind – ten questions
Academics write for different kinds of readers. We are often accused of writing only for each other, but this is no longer true. Many of us now write for many different kinds of readers – or audiences, as they are sometimes called. But you know, even when we do write for each other, we are not all […] … learn more→

How to teach AI to speak Welsh (and other minority languages)
Pioneering smart home technologies and voice assistants don’t, as a rule, speak Welsh – although the Welsh government now aims to change that through their Welsh Language Technology Action Plan. But is their aim feasible, is it necessary, and how can it be done? AI speech tools (like Google’s Pixelbuds) are heavily reliant on the use of […] … learn more→

Big schools: the parity of promotions, bulwark with inequalities?
It was in 1975 that the Haby law imposed the mixity in the national education. If, since that date, access to a training can not be refused to a girl or a young boy because of her sex, it is more than 40 years later that the higher education sectors are far from to be mixed. The differences in […] … learn more→

Debate: The universal national service, an unparalleled holiday camp?
According to its official definition, the objective of the National Universal Service is social and territorial cohesion as well as the awareness, by each generation, of the issues of defense and national security, while developing a culture of commitment. . It is supposed to promote territorial and social mixing. To achieve this goal, the government wants to use two […] … learn more→