“I’ll get my graduate degree!” –it’s weird how there’s always a personal pronoun, in this case “my,” in these types of statements. Quite a number of college graduates get their spiffy degree, go out into the real world…and find out their degree is worthless. Trouble is, even with a worthless degree, they’ll still have to […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: December 2018

The Master’s of Arts degree exposed

Higher education: 30 years of reforms, still too much inequality
Since the 1980s, the notion of equal opportunities has been at the heart of all educational reforms and the fight against disparities, whether gender or social, has become a political priority. This is one of the stated objectives of the LMD reform (2002-2006) and the Bologna process, enshrined in the Education Code, which has harmonized the […] … learn more→

Touchscreens can benefit toddlers – but it’s worth choosing your child’s apps wisely
Young children learn through play. That’s why it’s the basis for early education in the UK, the US, Canada, Australia and many other countries around the world. But with more and more young children now spending a lot of time in front of screens, a big question for many parents is whether time spent on touchscreens is good or bad […] … learn more→

How big bonuses for winning coaches became a tradition in college football
As college football bowl and playoff games unfold before a TV audience of millions, most of the attention will be on the final scores. Less is likely to be said about certain bonuses that the coaches get for their bowl and playoff appearances. For instance, when the Fresno State Bulldogs defeated Arizona State in the Las Vegas Bowl on Dec. […] … learn more→

Doing away with essays won’t necessarily stop students cheating
It’s never been easier for university students to cheat. We just need look to the scandal in 2015 that revealed up to 1,000 students from 16 Australian universities had hired the Sydney-based MyMaster company to ghost-write their assignments and sit online tests. It’s known as contract cheating – when a student pays a third party to undertake […] … learn more→

Twelve reasons to let your children play video games this Christmas
In the build up to Christmas, I’m sure there’ll be many parents who have guiltily allowed their children extra screen time so cards get written and presents wrapped. But the good news is that video games can be a vibrant and rich source of learning. So with this in mind, here’s my twelve reasons why […] … learn more→

Alternative approaches needed to end racial disparities in school discipline
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos wants to get rid of an Obama-era policy that sought to end racial disparities in school suspensions and expulsions. Statistics show those disparities mean black students are four times more likely to be suspended than white students and two-thirds of black males will be suspended at some point during their K-12 careers. Even if DeVos does scrap […] … learn more→

Tips and tricks to stay sharp over winter break
Winter break is a time for relaxation, not hibernation. It’s natural to let children sleep in longer and stay up later, but they’ll often fall into patterns of inactivity which prove detrimental to their studies. Their work falls by the wayside as they procrastinate, pushing school from their minds. This remains a perennial problem for […] … learn more→

How T.M. Landry College Prep failed black families
Of all the challenges that vex black parents, perhaps none is more frustrating than to be forced to send their children to schools where their children’s talents go unrecognized, overlooked, ignored or even squashed. As I argue in my book – “Rac(e)ing to Class: Confronting Poverty and Race in Schools and Classrooms” – teaching in a way that […] … learn more→

ACLU opposes letting accused males have rights
I remember when I was a big fan of the ACLU, as they would defend the underdog, some deplorable guy who, even if I didn’t like whatever he said, I still felt he should have a defense from an organization skilled in protecting the rights all citizens of this country have. Those days seems to […] … learn more→