Monthly Archives: April 2019

Casual academics aren’t going anywhere, so what can universities do to ensure learning isn’t affected?

Casual academics aren’t going anywhere, so what can universities do to ensure learning isn’t affected?

More Australian universities are relying on casual academics to teach their students. It’s difficult to estimate the exact proportion of academic staff on casual contracts, but reports suggest up to 80% of undergraduate courses in some Australian universities have been taught by a casual academic. By mid-2018, an estimated 94,500 people were employed at Australian universities on […] … learn more→

Initiation to entrepreneurship is not just about aspiring startups

Initiation to entrepreneurship is not just about aspiring startups

“To offer all students a greater openness to entrepreneurship” is one of the wishesexpressed by Minister Frédérique Vidal to the higher education community in January 2019. Would it be a matter of further stimulating more activity creation and systematically spot potential Bill Gates? The flowering of start-ups is certainly crucial for the French economy. But it turns […] … learn more→

Another College dies, stranding students and enriching admin

Another College dies, stranding students and enriching admin

Before the days of the student loan scam, universities were renowned for their endurance. The oldest university in the world is over a thousand years old, and even “abandoned” universities like in Timbuktu still endure, because they were collections of scholars…not institutions devoted to siphoning off student loan money. Despite the money pouring into higher […] … learn more→

Putin’s plagiarism, fake Ukrainian degrees and other tales of world leaders accused of academic fraud

Putin’s plagiarism, fake Ukrainian degrees and other tales of world leaders accused of academic fraud

A recent college admissions scandal in the United States, which revealed that wealthy parents had bribed officials at elite universities, exposed the price some people are willing to pay to say, “I went to an Ivy League school.” In a country where the myth of academic meritocracy persists despite plenty of evidence to the contrary, many people were shocked to learn […] … learn more→

There is no age to learn to speak fluently a foreign language

There is no age to learn to speak fluently a foreign language

In 2018, the publication of a new study on learning a second language made a big splash in the British press. From the BBC to the Daily Mail , via the Guardian , a whole series of headlines have conveyed this depressing message: it would be impossible to be able to speak fluently a foreign language by beginning his apprenticeship after the age of […] … learn more→