We are creatures of habit. Between a third and half of our behaviour is habitual, according to research estimates. Unfortunately, our bad habits compromise our health, wealth and happiness. On average, it takes 66 days to form a habit. But positive behavioural change is harder than self-help books would have us believe. Only 40% of people can sustain their […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: December 2019

Five rules from psychology to help keep your new year’s resolutions

Detransitioned students form group to help trans-people de-transition
It’s hard to come up with a decent title for today’s post. A while back I wrote how daughters coming home with mustaches and breasts removed is a thing now. When I first heard of this, I greeted the news with skepticism because it was just so wacky…but I confirmed things as best I could […] … learn more→

With Disney, the “Star Wars” saga changes philosophy
It is pointless to compare the episodes of Star Wars to extol the merits of the one, the deficiencies of the other, but it is time, at the time when the third and last trilogy of the cycle started in 1977, and while The Mandalorian triumphs over Disney +, to examine the management of the franchise by the Walt […] … learn more→

New cultures, new experiences: 4 ways to keep kids learning while travelling
The school year is over and holidays are upon us. But that doesn’t mean your children’s learning experiences can’t continue. If you’re planning an overseas trip with your family, you’re in for many benefits. Research shows travel has a positive impact on mental and physical health, and family relationships. Travel is also an educational opportunity. It’s a rich […] … learn more→

How to better preserve food with smart lighting
Autumn has given way to winter. And with it, the colors of the season that we have fired are gone: the green that covered the deciduous trees becomes a fan of colors, ranging from ocher to orange. The pigments responsible for these colors are essential for human health. In addition, the quality of food is related to […] … learn more→

Trump hires Dean of fraud College to investigate College fraud
It’s a strange world we live in today. Most media put so much spin on their “news” that it’s almost impossible to figure out what’s happening just by reading about it. Everything Trump does is spun into the most negative thing possible, meaning all Trump news is taken with a grain of salt. I’ve heard […] … learn more→

Timothy Sykes millionaire challenge: Profiting with penny stocks
Penny stocks, as the name suggests, are the low price shares of the small public companies. You may have heard the other names of the stocks that include micro-cap, nano-cap, or OTC stocks. The main difference of the penny stocks with the common stocks comes in their exchange platforms. In the United States of America, […] … learn more→

Imitate nature to avoid flooding in cities
In cities we live more than half of the world’s population. This number will grow exponentially in the next thirty years. The urban population is expected to increase another 2.5 billion people by 2050. In the cities two thirds of the world energy produced is consumed. In addition, more than 70% of annual CO₂ emissions are generated worldwide. These mainly come from the consumption […] … learn more→

Mathematician speaks out against diversity
The ideological takeover of our campuses has been devastating to our education. Departments like mathematics and science focusing on academics have been de-emphasized, while politically themed departments like Education and African Studies. This is simply a consequence of the political environment. Any person attempting to curtail the growth of, say, African Studies is labeled RACIST; […] … learn more→

Holidays without touching the books … and also without playing sports?
Christmas arrives and schools and institutes empty. Children and young people will leave their backpack parked behind the door of their room and probably will not touch it until the day before they return to class, although there will be some exception. That’s what vacations are for, to disconnect books, homework or extracurricular classes for a […] … learn more→