Globally, 750 million youth and adults do not know how to read and write and 250 million children are failing to acquire basic literacy skills. Literacy is central to education and plays an important role in development and peace. In response to this global educational challenge, our team based at the University of British Columbia developed the open […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: January 2020

Global Storybooks: From Arabic to Zulu, freely available digital tales in 50+ languages

Review of At the Community College: Smiles And Reflection
A while back I reviewed The Philip Dolly Affair, a work of fiction that nevertheless pulled back the curtain on the brutal reality of community college. I recently received a copy of a sequel of sorts…At The Community College: Smiles And Reflection. it’s not as good as ‘Dolly, but it still brings back a few […] … learn more→

Learn a language on the web: the AI revolution is long overdue
From Duolingo to Babbel , via Busuu or Qioz , there are countless applications for learning languages on the Internet, at home, on your computer, or on your laptop, between two metro stations. Along with teaching programming, this is undoubtedly one of the most promising areas in the field of online education. The players that dominate the market each have their own brand. Duolingo, which leads the […] … learn more→

New scientific discovery as Physicist Kari Nokela says
Anorexia is a severe psychological and eating disorder that can even turn out to be lethal. The public vigorously expresses its opinion on this problem — scientists write about it, media figures make programs, and doctors show patients photos of dystrophies. However, it should not be forgotten that obesity is almost as dangerous and is […] … learn more→

Ways AR/VR impact eLearning
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality have taken the world of entertainment and education by storm. Gaming companies have already embraced AR/VR. A large number of gaming companies have been adding VR features in order to captivate the players. Need For Speed, the popular video game, is one of the classic examples of VR technology. The […] … learn more→

Cheating may be under-reported across Canada’s universities and colleges
Media have reported allegations of creative cheating strategies at universities across Canada, including hacking grades, bribery and breaking into offices to steal exams. Nursing students at Brandon University are facing disciplinary action after a final exam at the end of the fall 2019 term became “compromised.” A spokesperson for the university said the exam was “widely available,” according to […] … learn more→

Box-ticking is the inevitable result of top-down impositions
I was in a pretty good place when I was unexpectedly called in, a couple of years ago, to see the acting head of my school at a UK university. I had just passed probation and been appointed the school’s lead in equality, diversity and inclusion: a role that I had enthusiastically applied for. If […] … learn more→

The best translation apps and online services for students
We live in a world growing ever closer in communication and education. But our exposure to global influences also reveals language barriers. Happily, the same internet that exposes us to languages we don’t know also gives us tools and resources to translate them. We’ll look at translation products and services from the viewpoint of a […] … learn more→

Can inclusive school benefit all students?
The aim of inclusive school is to enable all pupils “whatever their disabilities and difficulties” to learn and to have “an equal chance” of succeeding ( Unesco ). For several years, we can see a strong political will for the establishment of this school both internationally and nationally . In France, certain circulars, notably that of 2016 , support these legislative measures by reaffirming […] … learn more→

If you can read this headline, you can read a novel. Here’s how to ignore your phone and just do it
Public anxiety about the capacity of digital-age children and young adults to read anything longer than a screen grab has come to feel like moral panic. But there is plenty of evidence to suggest we must take such unease seriously. In 2016, the US National Endowment for the Arts reported the proportion of American adults who read […] … learn more→