It’s sad times for public universities as they fight for their survival. Most are reeling from a severe financial hit due to the loss of international students. Universities are estimated to lose around A$3-4.6 billion in revenue from international student fees in 2020 alone, and more in 2021. The government has locked universities out of JobKeeper – its COVID-19 […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: May 2020

How universities came to rely on international students

International cooperation is the key to global recovery
International collaboration is as important now as ever before. We find ourselves in a global fight with a common enemy – one that affects not only all cities and countries but the international mobility of students and scholarly exchange. Yet, at a political level, multilateralism has been in short supply. While communities around the world […] … learn more→

How do we organize back to school?
Does anyone really think that schoolchildren will be able to return on alternate days or weeks, that teachers will be reinforced by 50% or that the big problem is in the grades? Will parents also work alternately? Will we take the money for health education, will it come only from the fiscal surplus or will everything fall […] … learn more→

The world cannot afford any more global academic jamborees
The coronavirus pandemic has raised major questions about our collective economic and social futures – in academia as much as in the wider population. These questions don’t just revolve around international students. The cancellation of many international academic conferences highlights problematic assumptions about research distribution and exchange – and suggests how the process could be […] … learn more→

Without mathematics Spain will not be able to compete with the rest of the world
From time to time, mathematicians recall this paragraph from Galileo Galilei’s The Assayer : The [natural] philosophy is written in that great book that we have open before our eyes (I mean, the universe), but it cannot be understood if one does not first learn to understand the language, to know the characters in which it is written. It […] … learn more→

5 reasons students should consider taking a gap year now
With many colleges and universities still deciding when to re-open their campuses after they were shuttered due to COVID-19, many high school seniors are thinking about taking a gap year. Putting off college during the pandemic might enable them to get the on-campus experience they desire in 2021 instead of going to school remotely this fall. Traditionally, a […] … learn more→

Now is the time for global citizenship education to come of age
With the world in the grip of a pandemic that has no respect for national boundaries, the need for globally minded people equipped to tackle the huge risks facing humanity and the planet is an urgent one. How can universities prepare their students not only for the challenges of living and working in the wake […] … learn more→

A better Adobe Acrobat alternative for editing digital library articles
Digital library articles such as journal submissions and other academic papers are typically archived as PDF documents. In addition, publishers maintain large repositories of content that is typically stored in digital archives. In order to edit these articles, papers, and other content, a user will require a robust PDF editor with functions like editing, page […] … learn more→

6 Reasons to become a Veterinary technician
A veterinary technician or vet tech is a professional who assists the veterinarian in treating animals. A career as a veterinary technician is an excellent choice for those who love animals and want to pursue a job concerning their care and treatment. A veterinary technician supports the vet, similar to how a surgical technician would […] … learn more→

Truth justice and the academic way
On the floor of the U.S. Senate, Congressman Adam Schiff recently referred to Robert Kennedy’s writings on the rarity of moral courage. My husband demonstrated moral courage when, as director of a microscopy imaging center at a public university, he observed, proved and reported scientific fraud in the Vice President for Research’s laboratory. The Vice […] … learn more→