Monthly Archives: August 2021

Education is modernizing so slowly that it will never be out of date

Education is modernizing so slowly that it will never be out of date

It is almost universally accepted that innovations or simple changes in education are, perhaps, excessively costly, judging by how little teaching practices move in the classroom. In short, due to the slowness of the processes of assimilation of new didactic options – generically speaking – by teachers, to update their interventions and bring them up to date with […] … learn more→

Can student loans be cleared through bankruptcy? 4 questions answered

Can student loans be cleared through bankruptcy? 4 questions answered

For decades, student loans have mostly been prohibited from being discharged through bankruptcy proceedings. That could change under the FRESH START through Bankruptcy Act. Here, public policy scholars Brent Evans and Matthew Patrick Shaw, both of Vanderbilt University, explain why student loan debt cannot usually be cleared through bankruptcy and how that might change if the […] … learn more→

Canadian colleges and universities can mandate COVID-19 vaccination without violating Charter rights

Canadian colleges and universities can mandate COVID-19 vaccination without violating Charter rights

It’s time for all Canadian colleges and universities to adopt mandatory vaccination policies. Many schools here and in the United States have already taken this step, yet others remain reluctant. One reason for this hesitancy is the worry that a mandatory vaccination requirement might violate Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: “Everyone has the right to life, […] … learn more→

Personal injury law and schools - What you need to know

Personal injury law and schools – What you need to know

Personal injury law gets very complicated very quickly. In general, the liability of companies and public institutions varies wildly from state to state. When it comes to schools both public and private, this variance becomes even more pronounced, with various jurisdictions and school systems having completely different rules and amounts of liability. If you have […] … learn more→

Children who are free to come and go on their own will find their way better in adulthood

Children who are free to come and go on their own will find their way better in adulthood

The perimeter of freedom left to children to move around and play alone around their homes has narrowed markedly over the past fifty years, in large part because their parents are worried about their safety, especially in the city . Recently, the Covid-19 pandemic has further reduced their activities in autonomy. As a doctoral student in psychology , I looked at the factors that […] … learn more→

Black parents say their children are being suspended for petty reasons that force them to take off from work and sometimes lose their jobs

Black parents say their children are being suspended for petty reasons that force them to take off from work and sometimes lose their jobs

When “Mike,” the father of a ninth grade student, got a call from his daughter’s school, the first thing he asked was: “How important is this?” “They said, ‘Well, it’s important,’” Mike told me during an interview for my research. When Mike went to his daughter’s school to see what was the problem, school officials […] … learn more→

Communication is changing — and most universities haven’t kept up

Communication is changing — and most universities haven’t kept up

Almost everyone can agree communication is important. There is much less agreement about what, exactly, communication is or how best to develop skills in it. Communication today is more multi-modal than ever, but we still tend to give and receive the most training in writing. Our national survey of introductory communications courses in 2020, just published in the journal […] … learn more→

5 benefits of a strong alumni network

5 benefits of a strong alumni network

An alumni network is a professional and social network that brings together current and former students at a university. If at some point, you have studied somewhere, then you are considered to be an alumnus. As soon as there is more than one alumnus, they become alumni and several alumni imply a wider alumni network. […] … learn more→

Students are returning to school with anxiety, grief and gaps in social skills – will there be enough school mental health resources?

Students are returning to school with anxiety, grief and gaps in social skills – will there be enough school mental health resources?

Even before COVID-19, as many as 1 in 6 young children had a diagnosed mental, behavioral or developmental disorder. New findings suggest a doubling of rates of disorders such as anxiety and depression among children and adolescents during the pandemic. One reason is that children’s well-being is tightly connected to family and community conditions such as stress and financial worries. Particularly […] … learn more→