Monthly Archives: May 2022

The “mad skills”, at the heart of the professions of tomorrow?

The “mad skills”, at the heart of the professions of tomorrow?

While technological innovations are accelerating, the boundaries of professions are constantly being redefined and new functions are appearing. It is therefore difficult when one enters higher education to know exactly what missions a career will be made up of. To help students project themselves into the future, the magazine press regularly explores these new fields, like the […] … learn more→

Rural superintendents lament: ‘We went from being heroes to villains’

Rural superintendents lament: ‘We went from being heroes to villains’

When the pandemic first closed schools in March 2020, it was an emergency response that upended the typical priorities of public education. Schools suddenly needed to distribute laptops and tablets, set up Wi-Fi hot spots, check on families and distribute food previously served in cafeterias – all while continuing to teach children. Even before the pandemic, […] … learn more→

Autism, ADHD and school absence are risk factors for self-harm: new research

Autism, ADHD and school absence are risk factors for self-harm: new research

Self-harm – physically hurting yourself – is common in young people, affecting about one in five teens by the age of 18. Only about one in eight self-harm episodes in teenagers are seen at hospital emergency departments. However, attending hospital for self-harm is one of the strongest risk factors for future suicide. In our newly published study, we identified some of the risk […] … learn more→

Universal access to free meals at schools can lead to lower grocery bills and healthier food purchases

Universal access to free meals at schools can lead to lower grocery bills and healthier food purchases

Families with children can save US$11 to $39 per month, or $132 to $468 per year, on groceries through the Community Eligibility Provision – a federal program through which high-poverty schools or districts provide free breakfast and lunch to all students regardless of family income. This is according to a new study that uses data on purchases made by 40,000 […] … learn more→

Drawing helps us understand: the benefits of studying by making infographics

Drawing helps us understand: the benefits of studying by making infographics

An infographic is a visual piece in which complex ideas are represented through a mixture of elements, such as maps, graphs, tables, sounds, illustrations, etc. Its main objective is to explain a message in a simpler, more attractive and summarized way. Its purpose is educational. In the search for new strategies for knowledge transfer in the classroom, […] … learn more→

Disruptive kindergartners are likely to be bullied later in elementary school

Disruptive kindergartners are likely to be bullied later in elementary school

Kindergartners who act out, disrupt classrooms, get angry and argue with their teachers are especially likely to be bullied once they reach third, fourth and fifth grade, our research group has found. We continue to investigate bullying in U.S. elementary schools, but our initial findings indicate that the odds that disruptive kindergartners will be shoved, pushed or […] … learn more→

Why children learn how to say ‘spoon’ before ‘sky’

Why children learn how to say ‘spoon’ before ‘sky’

For adults, communicating in our first language feels easy and natural. Yet learning language is a complex process that is influenced by several factors. When young children are beginning to learn language, some influences, such as the amount of speech a child hears and the amount of time they spend in back-and-forth language interactions with others, have what may […] … learn more→

Why journal articles get rejected – #3

Why journal articles get rejected – #3

Every journal article is expected to make a contribution. The writer has to say something that adds to the conversation about the particular topic in the target journal. And through this addition, they participate in the discussion in the field. If a journal article does not offer a contribution, or if the contribution is not […] … learn more→

Writing an ARC DECRA Rejoinder: An Unofficial Step-by-step Guide

Writing an ARC DECRA Rejoinder: An Unofficial Step-by-step Guide

NOTE for those who don’t know what the ARC (Australian Research Council) or DECRA (Discovery Early Career Research Award) are: The funding body and specific scheme is not the crucial part here. Research grant cycles often include a step where you can respond to what reviewers say about your funding application. While this post focuses on rejoinders for ARC […] … learn more→