Monthly Archives: November 2022

How to make young people aware of the dangers of alcohol on social networks?

How to make young people aware of the dangers of alcohol on social networks?

Alcohol is highly represented on social networks, associated with entertainment scenes, which young people in turn observe and share. This presence contributes to trivializing alcohol in the lives of young people and to hiding the pernicious effects of its abuse. Anti -alcohol campaigns aimed at young people, whether they use traditional means of communication or rely on social […] … learn more→

Is educating in competencies educating without content?

Is educating in competencies educating without content?

Ataulfo, Siderico, Walia, Teodoredo, Teodorico, Eurico… and so on up to thirty-three Visigothic kings. The list ends with the deposed Don Rodrigo, defeated by the Muslims in the battle of the Guadalete River in the year 711, giving way to the Muslim period in the Iberian Peninsula. It is a classic of Spanish education from another […] … learn more→

Motivation and belonging: the keys for women to stay in engineering

Motivation and belonging: the keys for women to stay in engineering

Women continue to be underrepresented in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) careers, and specifically in engineering. Numerous  initiatives are helping to attract more women to these careers; however, something seems to be wrong when they reach university, as they show a 23% higher dropout rate than men. Our recent study has investigated the reasons for abandonment, with the aim of designing effective measures to retain these […] … learn more→

Conservative US Supreme Court reconsidering affirmative action, leaving the use of race in college admissions on the brink of extinction

Conservative US Supreme Court reconsidering affirmative action, leaving the use of race in college admissions on the brink of extinction

The U.S. military learned a valuable lesson about race during the Vietnam War: Diversity does not happen without affirmative action. That helps explain why a distinguished group of 35 military officials wrote a brief to the Supreme Court supporting the use of race as a part of college admissions – as the U.S. military has done at its four […] … learn more→

Why attending publicly funded schools may help students become more culturally sensitive

Why attending publicly funded schools may help students become more culturally sensitive

Being an intercultural citizen — someone who supports the principle of a multicultural state and also demonstrates positive personal attitudes towards diversity — is considered essential from a human rights perspective. What kind of learning best supports its development? To try to answer this question, I surveyed close to 400 recent Ontario high school graduates who attended regular […] … learn more→

School attendance problems are complex, and our solutions need to be as well

School attendance problems are complex, and our solutions need to be as well

Over the past few years, the pandemic prompted school closures and remote learning that drew international attention to issues of students missing school — what researchers call “non-attendance.” Millions of students across the world missing varying amounts of school raises concerns about students’ learning loss and mental health — and also about long-term implications, particularly for those already […] … learn more→

How to boost employee morale and keep them engaged

How to boost employee morale and keep them engaged

Employee morale is a hot topic these days. Every other week there’s a new story in the news about another company suffering from low employee morale. From Apple to Amazon, no company is immune to the problem. Unfortunately, this can lead to a vicious cycle. Low employee morale leads to disengagement, leading to even lower […] … learn more→

Future Air Force officers get a 30,000-foot view of death in this course

Future Air Force officers get a 30,000-foot view of death in this course

Course Title: “Death, Dying, and Finding Meaning” What does the course explore? Our course explores not only how people die in the physical, biological sense but also personal and societal beliefs about dying, death, and the afterlife. We do this in various ways. First, students write about and share their own experiences with death. Some […] … learn more→

What is academic optimism and how to achieve it

What is academic optimism and how to achieve it

We live in a time of accelerated changes in the social, economic, and technological fields. The school lives its own scenario of changes, also multiple and complex: From a school based exclusively on content to a school focused on skills that include that content and its application in specific problem situations. From a pencil and paper […] … learn more→