Every January, the day arrives that South Africans know can decide their fates: the “matric” exam results are announced. In 2022, 753,964 full-time and 167,915 part-time candidates registered to write the secondary school exit exam – the largest cohort ever. They’ll receive the results on 20 January 2023. Many probably feel ambivalent about this massive moment in […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: January 2023

My child isn’t happy with their final exam results. How can I support them?

Why are there more cases of bullying in Physical Education class?
It is a cliché of cinema that is still based on reality: many of us can remember traumatic situations, either as victims or as witnesses, during Physical Education class at school or high school. Unfortunately, many students experience this subject as one of the least safe and comfortable situations of their childhood and adolescence because […] … learn more→

Cryptocurrencies are in crisis, but they are not going to disappear
Cryptocurrencies are experiencing their worst crisis since the arrival of the first crypto assets and virtual currencies in the 1990s and their democratization in the 2010s. Bitcoin had an unprecedented tumble in late 2020 and has yet to recover. In addition to this sharp decline, there is much discussion about the worrisome collapse of some so-called stablecoins, which […] … learn more→

Dozens of US schools, universities move to ban TikTok
A growing number of public schools and colleges in the U.S. are moving to ban TikTok – the popular Chinese-owned social media app that allows users to share short videos. They are following the lead of the federal government and several states, that are banishing the social media app because authorities believe foreign governments – specifically China – could […] … learn more→

Sex, drugs and alcohol are the top reasons that Texas teachers get in trouble, but overall, such cases are rare
Only about 1 in 200 teachers in Texas are sanctioned for misbehavior, but the largest portion of those sanctions involve sexually related offenses. That’s according to a new study we published recently in the Journal of Education Human Resources. The study describes the reasons teachers in Texas are sanctioned for misbehavior, including the frequency and type of […] … learn more→

Video gaming can bolster classroom learning, but not without teacher support
One highlight of my Grade 3 life was dying from dysentery at the hands of a video game. I was ahead on schoolwork, and allowed to use the classroom computer to pioneer a family across America in the game The Oregon Trail. It was odd that I played this in a Canadian school — rather than […] … learn more→

Preventing writing difficulties is possible, with the help of families
“With that handwriting it is impossible to understand what he writes”; Three out of every two words are misspellings. Concerns like these are shared by teachers when we talk about learning difficulties in writing. However, writing is not just having legible handwriting and respecting spelling rules. Writing involves basic calligraphy and spelling processes, but also complex planning and […] … learn more→

When agri-food brands invite themselves into schools
If, from the end of the 19th century, any form of commercial communication was excluded from the perimeter of French schools, certain school marketing practices multiplied over the 20th century , until being legalized at the beginning of the 21st century . . The Official Bulletin of National Education of April 5, 2001 established a Code of good conduct for business intervention in schools , […] … learn more→

Is the coup act in Brazil a reflection of the discredit of democracy at a global level?
The recent coup attempt in Brazil is a clear reflection of the discredit of democracy. Result of social polarization and populism. Various organizations warn of the crisis of confidence that democracy is suffering in the world. A recurring threat that requires a forceful response from democratic societies. Since this constitutes the fundamental pillar of coexistence and good governance. In October […] … learn more→

Procrastination is linked to poor health – new study
University students have a lot of freedom but not much structure. This can be bad for habitual procrastinators. Studies have shown that at least half of university students procrastinate to a level that is potentially harmful to their education. But this may not be the only negative result of putting things off until a later […] … learn more→