Blog Archives

Is the benefit of the REF really worth the cost?

Is the benefit of the REF really worth the cost?

As long ago as 1998, Colin Blakemore, then president of the British Neuroscience Association, expressed his reservations about the burden imposed by the UK’s research assessment exercise (RAE) on both institutions and those charged with “peer reviewing” their submissions. “The changes in ranking that now occur from exercise to exercise are generally small in magnitude […] … learn more→

Starting a consultancy can be like finding a date

Starting a consultancy can be like finding a date

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many universities across the world. It disrupted their revenue streams and most universities are finding leaner ways to operate. For many, this means laying off staff and discontinuing contracts. I checked in with some of my university colleagues and they’re worried about job security. Some of the researchers in my […] … learn more→

Academics should decline grand and global challenges

Academics should decline grand and global challenges

The news last month that the UK government is cutting its international aid budget has caused consternation within the higher education sector. International aid money is currently being used to support UK Research and Innovation projects including the £1.5 billion Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). But while universities benefit from this funding stream, the redirection […] … learn more→

Who can’t you do research with?

Who can’t you do research with?

Academic research is an increasingly open world. Technology has reduced the tyranny of distance which has encouraged more international research. Over eighty percent of Australian Research Council grants include an international researcher. I often say that researchers are privileged because they are largely free of restrictions around anti-competitive behaviour and similar limits that are placed […] … learn more→

How to get the most out of research when universities and industry team up

How to get the most out of research when universities and industry team up

Australia has long been seen as failing to fully capitalise on its ground-breaking research. A consultation paper on university research commercialisation is the latest federal government effort to increase the impact of research. Its focus is on creating incentives for industry-university collaboration to translate and commercialise research. Any government scheme resulting from these consultations might boost the number […] … learn more→

Too close: research in a familiar context

Too close: research in a familiar context

The first time I sat down in a café with Yusef [1], a man I had met a couple of years back while volunteering, there was an awkward moment when I turned on the recorder app on my phone. Yusef was born “in the Horn of Africa”, as he said, but moved to Italy more than […] … learn more→

Treating networking like a research project

Treating networking like a research project

I’m an introverted researcher. I’m uncomfortable with attending social events to meet new people, which can be problematic when it comes to expanding my network. I know networks are really important for a career, and I know how much of an issue networking can be for me, so I try to be considered and prepared […] … learn more→