Tag Archives: freedom of speech

Free speech doesn’t mean you can say whatever you want, wherever. Here’s how to explain this to kids

Free speech doesn’t mean you can say whatever you want, wherever. Here’s how to explain this to kids

Melbourne has seen days of anti-lockdown and anti-vaccination protests with hundreds of arrests made. Many protesters hold right-wing and extremist views. Police say people have been arrested for breaching the chief health officer’s directions, as well as drug-related offences and outstanding warrants. But protesters say the crackdown shows their views are being silenced and the legitimate right to protest […] … learn more→

New legislation will not eliminate student no-platforming

New legislation will not eliminate student no-platforming

  Last week Times Higher Education reported that the UK’s education secretary, Gavin Williamson, is preparing possible legislation that would require students’ unions to guarantee free speech. One measure apparently under consideration is the extension of the Education (No. 2) Act 1986 to specifically oblige students’ unions – in addition to universities themselves – to […] … learn more→

There’s no need for the ‘Chicago principles’ in Australian universities to protect freedom of speech

There’s no need for the ‘Chicago principles’ in Australian universities to protect freedom of speech

This week the government asked former High Court Chief Justice Robert French to head an inquiry into free speech on universities. Education minister Dan Tehan claimed it was because concerns had been raised about people shutting down the views of those they disagree with, and security costs for controversial speakers on campus. Universities are accusing the minister of “jumping to the […] … learn more→