Every day, images related to historical events are put online without being referenced – with their author, date, location, place of conservation – and even less contextualized by a historical commentary. This is the case, for example, of this photograph , most often published to represent the exactions of the “cut off hands” in the Congo of […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: history

Photos, AI and historical disinformation: history teaching faces new challenges

‘Time warp’ takes students to Native American past to search for solutions for the future
The eyes of the fifth graders in Ms. Evans’ class widened as they saw a dazzling light on the classroom smartboard and the phrase, “Let’s do the Time Warp!” Ms. Evans, who teaches at a large suburban school in central Ohio, told her students that they were about to take a trip to a Native […] … learn more→

How does artificial intelligence affect our understanding of history?
With the development of artificial intelligence and the images generated by said technology that flood the networks, several questions arise. What weight can the increasingly abundant presence of this type of image have on our understanding of history? How is this going to influence the vision that society is building of history? What might be the consequences for […] … learn more→

4 factors that contributed to the record low history scores for US eighth graders
When national student test scores revealed recently that knowledge of U.S. history and civics had reached an all-time low, one Republican lawmaker described the drop as an “outright failure that should concern every parent across the country.” The test scores showed that 86% of America’s eighth graders were not proficient in U.S. history, and 79% were not proficient in civics. While one […] … learn more→

Who are the protagonists of the story we teach?
In 2009, the newspaper El Norte de Castilla published an interview with the recently deceased Fernando García de Cortázar , in which he presented his book Little history of the world , aimed at children. In it, the historian affirmed: “The disinterest in history exists because it has been told badly.” The Bilbao historian was right: history is told (and taught) badly because, traditionally, […] … learn more→

History made the world we live in: here’s what you’ll learn if you choose it in years 11 and 12
History is for students curious about the world. It involves discovery, evaluation and imagination. Around 40% of Australian senior students chose to study year 11 and 12 history in 2016. It was more popular than other humanities subjects such as geography and psychology and more girls chose to enrol (23%) than boys (18%). Here’s what you need […] … learn more→

History is not learned with dates and feats: students do not know the past
History is a subject that is often put at the center of political and identity debates. However, despite the numerous educational reforms that have taken place in Spain, the law changes, but the contents contained in the successive decrees are repeated almost unchanged. This mantra character alludes to deep roots that are difficult to remove. And it […] … learn more→

History’s confinement to older universities must not be repeated
Like many people of my generation, I was the first person in my family to earn a degree. The son of a pastry cook and a dressmaker from Cyprus, I was born in London but I couldn’t speak English when I began school in 1967. Still, by the time I took my A levels 14 […] … learn more→

How history textbooks will deal with the US Capitol attack
How soon can we expect this attack to be included in history textbooks? Wendy L. Wall, professor of 20th-century American history at Binghamton University The unprecedented nature of this attack, combined with the widespread sense that it marks a historical turning point, ensures that it will appear in textbooks as soon as publishing turnaround times allow. In […] … learn more→

‘I spoke about Dreamtime, I ticked a box’: teachers say they lack confidence to teach Indigenous perspectives
The Australian government has allocated tens of millions of dollars to commemorate the anniversary of Cook’s voyage to the South Pacific and Australia in 1770. Though several events have now been suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic, others will take place online. This could also be an opportunity for teachers to disrupt the same white-washed versions of […] … learn more→