Tag Archives: Social Media

Does social media shape our behavioral responses to emergencies?

Does social media shape our behavioral responses to emergencies?

Social media may compel consumers to experience a disconnect from reality. In recent years, people have started using social media for more than entertainment. A growing number of individuals now use it as an amateur, impromptu reporting tool. However, this raises the question: How does an innovation tech firms have introduced as entertainment shape how […] … learn more→

10 days in

10 days in

I use Twitter a lot. I have used it across my various professional faces for over ten years now. I get invited by other institutions to give masterclasses and invited workshops about creating and managing digital identities. I teach workshops about ‘researchers and social media’ every semester. I’ve written quite a few blogposts about social […] … learn more→

The role of SMM for business: The Big 8 social networks

The role of SMM for business: The Big 8 social networks

SMM technology is familiar to all of us because we all subscribe to various informational publications, groups, pages of popular newspapers or magazines, favorite brands, and companies on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Almost every well-known publication has its own representation in social networks. Confidence in it increases the check mark at the left above the […] … learn more→

Why I’d unfollow you

Why I’d unfollow you

The longer I’ve actively been on social media, the more certain things grate on me. I’ve written before about why I’d follow an account—a person or organisation—on Twitter. So, you can imagine that if an account started to become the opposite of what it was when I followed it, it would turn me off. With longer-term […] … learn more→

4 industries social media disrupted in 2017

4 industries social media disrupted in 2017

Everywhere you look, someone is posting on a social media account – whether they are snapping pics of their decadent dessert from some posh restaurant, scrambling to create that perfect 280 character post or posting some life update on their wall. And it’s not just millennials who are on the social media train! Grandparents use […] … learn more→

Disconnected: Can universities surpass brand image to make their social media relevant?

Disconnected: Can universities surpass brand image to make their social media relevant?

Universities fail to exploit social media’s most compelling features, tending to broadcast their brands instead of engaging students and the public online, new research suggests. Visualise this: smiling students and successful faculty. In the background, beautiful buildings framed by blue skies. These are the ways that Canadian universities choose to represent themselves on social media. […] … learn more→