Trials of autonomous cars and buses have begun on the streets of Australian cities. Communications companies are moving to deploy the lasers, cameras and centimetre-perfect GPS that will enable a vehicle to navigate the streets of your town or city without a driver. Most research and commentary is telling us how the new machines will […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: April 2017

We must plan the driverless city to avoid being hostage to the technology revolution

The Victorians taught children about consumerism – and we can learn from them too
Every parent dreads the day their child asks where babies come from. But perhaps we should be more concerned about how children learn where other things come from. What do we say when they ask where we get the clothes we wear, the furniture in our homes, the food we eat? Considering the volume of […] … learn more→

Higher Ed can’t handle Comp Sci demand…why?
Even a casual inspection of the want ads reveals incredible job demand for people with skill with computers. Alternatively, the cost of hiring someone to fix your computer when there’s a problem reveals that there’s clearly a shortage of people that know what they’re doing with computers. Daily experience with computers would be certain […] … learn more→

US Federal role in education has a long history
President Donald Trump has directed the United States Department of Education to evaluate whether the federal government has “overstepped its legal authority” in the field of education. This is not a new issue in American politics. Ever since the Department of Education became a Cabinet-level agency in 1979, opposition to federalized education has been a […] … learn more→

Tame your inner writing demon
We all have writing demons. They go by various names – imposters, internal critics, inner editors, blockages, procrastinations … they are nasty and stop you writing. Mostly you wish they’d go away and just leave you be. But I’m here to tell you that you don’t want to get rid of these demons entirely. You […] … learn more→

Older Americans are the happiest
For all those dreading getting older and desperately trying to hold onto their youth – newsflash! Being old isn’t as bad as you think, in fact, new research has found that elderly Americans are also the happiest Americans. The study was led by Chicago-based sociologist, Yang Yang and consisted of face-to-face interviews with around 28,000 […] … learn more→

Asian countries leading IVF desitination
INDIA Everyone wants to visit India, no one needs to explain you about the wonders and experience they get once they visit here like villages, culture, traditions, values many more. In India, many IVF centres in Mumbai , Hyderabad, Delhi, Chennai and Bangalore are very successful and one can save substantial amount of money, around […] … learn more→

Reaching students with emotional disturbances
In the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the term “emotional disturbance” encompasses significant challenges in a student’s behavior and mental health. For children with emotional disturbances, we can generally trace a developmental history where attachment and connection to an emotionally healthy caregiver has been broken in early development or a significant traumatic event has […] … learn more→

We need to break science out of its ivory tower – here’s one way to do this
Without hardware, there is no science. From Hooke’s microscope to the Hubble telescope, instruments are modern science’s platforms for producing knowledge. But limited access to scientific tools impedes the progress and reach of science by restricting the type of people who can participate in research, favouring those who have access to well-resourced laboratories in industrial […] … learn more→

How electro and techno could help to revolutionise school music lessons
For many British children, the music they grow up listening to with friends, family, parents and relatives is often not reflected in school music lessons. So while their teacher is trying to get them to listen to Mozart, Bach or Beethoven, back home in their bedrooms the radio is often tuned into a very different […] … learn more→