I know I’ve said many things in this blog that the gentle reader could find unbelievable, and, this being the internet, I completely respect and even encourage skepticism. I’m telling the simple truth, however, and am always eager to provide evidence of the things I say. I’ve mentioned before the painful, excruciating “multiculturalism” meetings faculty […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: December 2017

Watch a white hate indoctrination video (at your own risk)

Tel Aviv University international students: Living in Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv University (TAU) is a world-renowned, top-ranked university offering international study programs for both undergraduate and graduate courses. It is ranked 195th in the QS World University Rankings. It currently offers 17 full-time international programs. Given TAU’s reputation and linkages with overseas higher education institutions (Texas A & M University & University of Quebec, […] … learn more→

Education technology: what does 2018 have in store?
Blockchain with everything Like Ubik, the entropy-reversing spray from Philip K. Dick’s cult novel of the same name, blockchain is everywhere right now. The technology that underpins the bitcoin cryptocurrency and lots of other zeitgeisty developments, blockchain crops up as a miracle solution so often that you could be forgiven for thinking that it was […] … learn more→

Taking the fight where it belongs
It’s been a bad year. Not just for higher education. And not just at it winds down. The coming 2018 does not bode well for American colleges and universities. For one thing, the Janus case against agency fees (when unions can assess non-members for fees as a result of gains and benefits the unions have won for […] … learn more→

George Ciccariello-Maher Resigns: “We are all a single outrage campaign away from having no rights at all.”
George Ciccariello-Maher, associate professor of politics and global studies at Drexel University, has resigned his tenured position. In an announcement on Twitter posted today, Ciccariello-Maher wrote, “after nearly a year of harassment by right-wing, white supremacist media outlets and internet mobs, after death threats and threats of violence directed against me and my family, my situation has […] … learn more→

How hatred of whites takes over a campus
Many (not most) campuses are hotbeds of racial hatred, hatred of white people and white culture in particular. It used to be weird demonstrations of hatred of white people (eg, “Whites Are An Abomination”) were a “once a year” thing…then every six months. Today, hardly a week goes by without some idiocy slouching out from […] … learn more→

Open access in Germany: the best DEAL is no deal
In the worldwide campaign to shift academic publishing to open access, the Germans are fighting a major battle. To many, they look like heroes. “Projekt DEAL” is the name of a German national consortium that includes university libraries and scientific organisations. The consortium has been working towards an agreement with Elsevier that, if the Germans […] … learn more→

How SEO changed the game for the offline publishers?
Offline publishing will never be the same as it was before. It changed a lot these past few decades. This quick shift, from bulky books to online media, comes as well with a marketing evolution, from the conventional medium such as broadcast and print to the World Wide Web. And with the help of Shmul […] … learn more→

An inside look at a US indoctrination camp
Quite often in my blog, I reference things I’ve seen with my own eyes. I completely understand that many of the things I’ve claimed are so ridiculous as to be impossible to believe. Faculty forced to nod their heads in agreement as an ideologue tells us there were no European battles in pre-colonial North America […] … learn more→

How to teach children morals
Schools in England are legally required to promote the moral development of pupils. Unfortunately though, there is little agreement on what this involves. Most people recognise that morality is important and needs to be taught – but when it comes to saying what it is and how to teach it, the consensus soon breaks down. The […] … learn more→