There is a hokey joke about someone hibernating a few centuries ago who, waking up today, would go mad in any environment except one: the classroom, frozen in time. In Spain, a monk is usually the protagonist in the United States, Rip van Winkle , and everywhere is the metaphor of a dyschrony, of something or someone that […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: March 2019

Hyperaulas: this is the school that will supersede the traditional school

For-profit Colleges disguising themselves…Trump’s fault?
Last time I was a bit hard on Trump, so I figure this time to give him a break. So much of our news media is deranged these days. It takes real effort to pick out information from the propaganda, and a recent article from Ctrl-Left hate site The Nation, a “weekly journal of progressive […] … learn more→

6 steps to writing great essays
If Essay writing seems like a daunting task, then learning how to break the process into simple steps will give you the confidence you require to come up with interesting, high-quality essays. This article presents ideas to come up with excellent pieces. Some steps to writing great essays are: Topic selection: In case the topic […] … learn more→

How sports science in Africa can be taught and thought about differently
In the four years since the decolonisation debate took centre stage at South African universities, much of the focus has been on what decolonisation might look like in the humanities. But science subjects, too, need to be taught differently at African universities in the 21st century. This is true of my discipline, sport science. The content of […] … learn more→

What are Confucius Institutes and do they teach Chinese propaganda?
Government concerns about Chinese influence in Australia continue. One example is the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme, which seeks to provide for the public and government visibility of the nature, level and extent of foreign influence on Australia’s government and political process. It has been reported the Attorney-General’s Department has written to universities that host Confucius Institutes, asking […] … learn more→

Reaction to Trump’s “free speech” order reveals bias
Trump recently issued an executive order denying Federal funds to campuses which restrict free speech. It’s a bit toothless, since it would only affect research funds (i.e., not the bread-and-butter of student loan money), and doesn’t define “restrict” well…but it highlights that we clearly have a problem on our campuses, even as I acknowledge that […] … learn more→

Appropriate training is a key to achieve success
The proper personal development is required when it comes to achieving success in your career path. The right skills will help you to gain dream job and become a well-qualified worker. What is more, it is always worth to improve your skills to have numerous job offers that may be useful when you make a […] … learn more→

Helping teachers ‘practise what they teach’ could help them stay teaching for longer
Early career teachers are more likely to stay on if they practise what they teach in their own time. We found that practitioner-teachers – such as art teachers practising art and biology teachers observing nature – see themselves as better quality teachers when measured against key principles of learning and teaching. These principles include providing clear assessment […] … learn more→

7 tips to stay safe while studying abroad
Studying abroad can bring great rewards, but being a visitor in a foreign land also comes with significant risks. “It is important to understand how the risks may be different from home, and to be prepared,” says Shaun Jamieson, an International Risk Analystat Iowa State University, where I teach Spanish and run the university’s largest study abroad […] … learn more→

Universities: increasingly stressful environments taking psychological toll – here’s what needs to change
Every year, millions of international students travel to different countries to study at university. This, together with a lack of public funding for universities, has created an increasingly competitive market in which universities work directly against each other to chase students and the money they bring. This shift was heralded by the introduction of a whole host of […] … learn more→