Universities are beleaguered institutions in many parts of the world. They are regularly criticised for providing poor value for money to the students, industries and countries they purport to serve. The follow-up to this criticism (much of which is clearly unfair and over the top) is to repeat the mantra that “universities should act like businesses”. The […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: January 2020

Universities are more like sports clubs than businesses

Virtual reality may be the next frontier in remote mental health care
In recent years, experts have focused on finding better ways to improve remotely delivered mental health care. Now, virtual reality (VR) may pave the way for myriad new opportunities. Using VR for remote therapy involves conducting “face-to-face” sessions in a virtual environment. This mode of treatment could make counselling more accessible to those living and […] … learn more→

Earth sciences face a crisis of sustainability
The ongoing environmentalist revolution has inspired a generation of young people to think differently about the role they play in shaping our Earth’s future. Many want to know that their future career will have a positive environmental impact, finding sustainable solutions to interrelated global problems. However, as Greta Thunberg and other environmentalists inspire us to […] … learn more→

Ed Dept: Degree debt exceeds degree earnings
It’s been known for a decade or two that we have a real problem with the cost of a college degree relative to the financial boon of having one, but at long last our government is catching on as well: … the U.S. Department of Education released data on first-year earnings for thousands of different […] … learn more→

Visual arts help marginalized youth learn mindfulness and self-compassion
How do girls feel before and after learning mindfulness? The six girls in our program, aged 11 and 12, drew pictures showing that learning and practising mindfulness helped them feel more in control and compassionate, less judgmental, happy, focused, calm and logical, especially when they make good choices. These girls had just completed the 12-week holistic […] … learn more→

I’m an ex-prisoner and education behind bars saved my life
Usman Khan killed two people – Jack Merritt and Saskia Jones – and injured others at an event linked to Learning Together, a pioneering Cambridge University education programme, in London on November 29 2019. Khan, born and raised in Stoke-on-Trent, had been released early from prison on licence the previous year. Despite calls from Merritt’s father […] … learn more→

Getting to grips with new literatures
Over time all researchers build a knowledge base about their key interests. A large part of this knowledge is a core set of literatures. They/we do need to keep up to date, but they/we can rely on – and use – our incrementally expanding personal library of literatures. However, every so often, researchers have to […] … learn more→

The media spin on a “Racistsexisthomophobe” Professor
For years I’ve covered faculty being removed from campus for having integrity, or at least the sense enough to not agree with “the narrative,” and First Amendment protections never seem to apply. Thus I was more than a little puzzled when I saw the following headline: Indiana University admits a professor has ‘racist, sexist, and […] … learn more→

Why some public universities get to keep their donors secret
In April 2018, the public learned that George Mason University had let the Charles Koch Foundation have a say in the hiring and review of faculty. The revelation confirmed long-held suspicions that Virginia’s largest public university was susceptible to pressure from wealthy people who make big donations to a foundation that solely exists to support the school. The news […] … learn more→

The made-up crisis behind the state takeover of Houston’s public schools
If the state of Texas had its way, the state would be in the process of taking over the Houston Independent School District. But a judge temporarily blocked the takeover on Jan. 8, with the issue now set to be decided at a trial in June. The ruling temporarily spares Houston’s public school system from joining a list of […] … learn more→