There’s no doubt that our goals are set with good intentions. We want to succeed and reap the benefits that come with making positive changes in our lives. One thing we often fail to account for though is life itself. Just as you prepare to take action, life gets in the way and drains your […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: May 2020

How to stay focused on goals

If you took to growing veggies in the coronavirus pandemic, then keep it up when lockdown ends
The COVID-19 pandemic produced a run on the things people need to produce their own food at home, including vegetable seedlings, seeds and chooks. This turn to self-provisioning was prompted in part by the high price rises for produce – including A$10 cauliflowers and broccoli for A$13 a kilo – and empty veggie shelves in some supermarkets. As well as hitting the […] … learn more→

My travel series
This series of stories have been written by Layla Ryall a 10 year old student on the Gold Coast, Australia. Editor St. Basil’s Cathedral I am in the middle of Red Square in Moscow, the capital city of Russia looking up at the sky and I can see the amazing St. Basil’s cathedral spire. I […] … learn more→

When is the right time to teach a child to read?
The very serious crisis that we are suffering due to COVID-19 has caused a radical change in the teaching model, forcing us to work electronically. Logically, we still lack sufficient information, but this confinement will have its consequences at different educational levels. Undoubtedly, this stress may be exacerbated by the extra pressure that many families will […] … learn more→

We think there’s a better way to assess the research of African academics: here’s how
In the past two decades, much has been made in academic circles about global rankings of educational institutions. Bodies such as Times Higher Education and Webometrics regularly rank universities based on a set of criteria. These include internationalisation of faculty and students, cited research publications and awards won by scholars. This ranking phenomenon has increased the pressure on academics and researchers […] … learn more→

Microcredentials need macro-investment
The depressed jobs market faced by this year’s graduates is likely to continue for some time and cast a long shadow. Research by the Resolution Foundation found that, in the UK, young people graduating immediately after the 2008 financial crisis suffered higher unemployment, lower pay and worse employment prospects for several years compared with graduates […] … learn more→

Reviews: the end of the cheat is not for tomorrow!
How to ensure students a fair and reliable assessment, guaranteeing the value of their diploma on the job market? In the current conditions of distance education, the issue manifests itself with increased acuity in higher education establishments, bringing the problem of cheating back into the spotlight. “The establishment of partials remotely poses great difficulties for establishments […] … learn more→

Incredible benefits of sharing a hobby with your child
As children grow older, they begin to develop new interests and express more curiosity about the world around them. One of the best ways for kids to explore this curiosity and channel their energy into something positive is to take up a hobby. Hobbies help children develop emotional intelligence, practice mindfulness, and nurture their passions. […] … learn more→

Abandoning standardised testing is good, but don’t repeat South Korea’s mistakes
Even though the global pandemic is wreaking havoc across higher education, a silver lining is that the disruption is leading to more test-optional admissions policies in the United States. While the test-optional movement is not new, many more schools have announced a more flexible approach towards SAT and ACT score requirements because of the cancellation […] … learn more→

Coronavirus: When teaching during a disaster, students need to be partners
Many universities and colleges are planning to teach most of their courses online in the fall, even though there are still many unknowns. Post-secondary institutions first transitioned from face-to-face to online learning in March, when the threat of COVID-19 emerged. Institutions brought differing levels of experience and preparedness to this endeavour. Experts in educational technology weighed in on the best […] … learn more→