Monthly Archives: December 2020

Most of Australia’s uni leaders are white, male and grey. This lack of diversity could be a handicap

Most of Australia’s uni leaders are white, male and grey. This lack of diversity could be a handicap

Australian universities are diverse places. They are a mix of students, staff and communities from different demographic backgrounds. This is not true of the people who run universities. Higher education leaders tend to have backgrounds that are “WEIRD”: Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic. In 2018, of the 699 governing council roles across Australia’s 41 universities, 94% […] … learn more→

The post-Covid era is unlikely to be post-print

The post-Covid era is unlikely to be post-print

They say it’s the hope that kills you – but hopefully not in this case. With three effective vaccines against Covid-19 having emerged in the past few weeks and one of them already being rolled out in the UK, it doesn’t seem too giddy a prediction that by this time next year the curve of […] … learn more→

How to take care of yourself as a nursing student

How to take care of yourself as a nursing student

The road to being a successful nurse is extensive and long, but one with a high reward. Before you can become a successful nurse, you must first achieve your nursing certifications. If you are in nursing school or considering applying, then you must take care of yourself just as much as you plan on caring […] … learn more→

‘I wish I was wearing a filter right now’: why tweens need more emotional support to deal with social media

‘I wish I was wearing a filter right now’: why tweens need more emotional support to deal with social media

Many eight- to 12-year-olds are now heavy users of social media such as Instagram and Snapchat – even though most platforms require users to be 13 or over. However, concern over young people’s use of social media tends to focus on older teenagers or young adults – rather than this preteen or “tween” group – and concentrates on specific issues such […] … learn more→

How to get confident with statistics

How to get confident with statistics

I’m here to share my top five tips for researchers who want to get confident with statistics. I know, I know – you’re really busy and statistics is one of those things that you’d love to get your head around at some point, but it’s just not your priority right now. Don’t worry. These are […] … learn more→

Top 6 apps that can make tax filing a breeze

Top 6 apps that can make tax filing a breeze

A decade ago, one of Apple’s many successful campaigns capitalized on the slogan, “There’s an app for that.” That saying is still as relevant as ever because there’s, in fact, an app for everything you need to do, right down to filing your taxes. Here are 6 apps of the best ones. 1. Expensify Expensify […] … learn more→

Revising like a reader

Revising like a reader

Academic writing is generally intended to be persuasive. The writer – let’s say that’s us – wants to put a proposition to the reader, and convince them that what we have presented is credible. Our writing is worth taking seriously because it has something serious, or interesting, or important to say. Most academic writers don’t […] … learn more→