Monthly Archives: January 2023

Marital arguments and their impact on children

Marital arguments and their impact on children

Discrepancies and conflicts are inherent in human relationships, in all contexts, which is why they are common in the family environment. In the collective imagination, the concept of conflict has negative connotations; however, disagreeing and having different opinions on any issue can be an opportunity to learn or improve people or situations and, therefore, have desirable […] … learn more→

How to choose a good password?

How to choose a good password?

As cyberattacks increase, each of us can potentially be confronted with them. Of course, we all have our tricks for the passwords we use on our computers and laptops: hidden under a keyboard, written on a piece of paper or taken from the birthday of the youngest. But how do you ensure that your password is […] … learn more→

The reverse of the words:

The reverse of the words: “Clivant”

In the usual dictionaries, the adjective “dividing” is defined as “what deeply divides opinion”. This now dominant meaning has eclipsed the strict meaning of the verb “cleave” which originally designated a technique, and even an art: that of splitting a diamond or a crystallized ore “according to the direction of its lamellar layers”, as specifies the online dictionary […] … learn more→

New year resolutions: why your brain isn’t wired to stick to them – and what to do instead

New year resolutions: why your brain isn’t wired to stick to them – and what to do instead

New year, new resolutions. It is that time once again. A recent survey shows that almost 58% of the UK population intended to make a new year’s resolution in 2023, which is approximately 30 million adults. More than a quarter of these resolutions will be about making more money, personal improvement and losing weight. But will we succeed? Sadly, […] … learn more→

What exactly is ‘neurodiversity?’ Using accurate language about disability matters in schools

What exactly is ‘neurodiversity?’ Using accurate language about disability matters in schools

The connection between language and meaning has been well established. The language we use is directly related to the way we view and treat others. Inclusive language is imperative to achieve equitable change, grounded in human rights and social justice. Many countries today have laws protecting against the use of any language that incites or wilfully promotes hatred against […] … learn more→

Green jobs are booming, but too few employees have sustainability skills to fill them – here are 4 ways to get training

Green jobs are booming, but too few employees have sustainability skills to fill them – here are 4 ways to get training

To meet today’s global sustainability challenges, the corporate world needs more than a few chief sustainability officers – it needs an army of employees, in all areas of business, thinking about sustainability in their decisions every day. That means product designers, supply managers, economists, scientists, architects and many others with the knowledge to both recognize unsustainable […] … learn more→

Should I loosen up on the kids’ bedtime these holidays – or stick to the schedule? Tips from a child sleep expert

Should I loosen up on the kids’ bedtime these holidays – or stick to the schedule? Tips from a child sleep expert

Summer holidays often mean sunshine, beach trips, mountain hikes, relaxation, catching up with family and friends, and the chance to sleep in. For many parents, the temptation is to loosen up on the kids’ bedtime routine, let them stay up late, and allow them to catch up on sleep with a lie-in the next morning. […] … learn more→

New year, new Bullet Journal!

New year, new Bullet Journal!

Happy new year friends! They say how you spend NYE night sets the tone for the year. If that’s the case, I’ll be eating Indian takeaway with my girlfriends and going to bed at 9:30pm. I’m VERY ok with this plan after the eventful couple of years we’ve had. I followed up the quiet start with […] … learn more→

Your style of social media use may be connected to your wellbeing

Your style of social media use may be connected to your wellbeing

Are you a doom scroller or a frequent Tweeter? Do you pass the time by flicking endlessly through others’ posts on social networking sites, or perhaps you use these platforms to share your own content? Psychologists believe our style of social media usage has important effects on our psychological wellbeing, but we’ve struggled to measure people’s online […] … learn more→