When the Supreme Court struck down race-based admissions at American colleges and universities just over a year ago, many predicted U.S. campuses would become much less diverse. But in part due to students who decide not to disclose their race or ethnicity, coupled with universities’ selective use of statistics, it is not clear how much the decision has […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: diversity
Campus diversity is becoming difficult to measure as students keep their race and ethnicity hidden on college applications
How going back to the SAT could set back college student diversity
Earlier this year, a number of colleges announced they were going back to using the SAT and the ACT. Here, Joseph Soares, a professor of sociology, expert on higher education and proponent of test-optional admissions, answers a few questions about the rationale behind the colleges’ decision to require applicants to submit scores from standardized college admissions […] … learn more→
Think our unis are all much the same? Look more closely and you will find diversity
The COVID-19 pandemic plunged Australian universities into crisis. From early 2020, many voices declared increased specialisation and difference between institutions was the way for them to survive. Yet our soon-to-be-published study has shown if we dig a little deeper each university is a complex patchwork, especially in the area of research. Australian universities present an array of sometimes competing interests, […] … learn more→
Most of Australia’s uni leaders are white, male and grey. This lack of diversity could be a handicap
Australian universities are diverse places. They are a mix of students, staff and communities from different demographic backgrounds. This is not true of the people who run universities. Higher education leaders tend to have backgrounds that are “WEIRD”: Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic. In 2018, of the 699 governing council roles across Australia’s 41 universities, 94% […] … learn more→
Mathematician speaks out against diversity
The ideological takeover of our campuses has been devastating to our education. Departments like mathematics and science focusing on academics have been de-emphasized, while politically themed departments like Education and African Studies. This is simply a consequence of the political environment. Any person attempting to curtail the growth of, say, African Studies is labeled RACIST; […] … learn more→
Oxford debases for diversity
In the 20th century, the American “system” of higher education affected how the whole world performed education and research at the highest levels. It’s now the 21st century, and the corrupted American system is spreading that corruption across the planet. How else to explain the following madness: Oxford University promises 25% of places to disadvantaged […] … learn more→
Learning from the enemy: A look at a diversity guide
Of all the corrupt, money-sucking fiefdoms on campus, none is more dangerous than the Diversity fiefdoms. Most people think our campuses are divided into departments and those certainly exist, but the departments only generate revenue for the school, providing classes for students to take. Much of that revenue pours in “institutes,” little fiefdoms which few, […] … learn more→
“Diversity” is the most practiced campus religion
I remember when the war drums were beating loudly for us to attack Iraq. While we all know the mainstream media lie machine went into overdrive (hello, babies tossed from incubators! Hi yellowcake! Greetings WMDs!), most don’t know that on campus, things got a little deranged as well. One of the least known derangements was […] … learn more→
Culturally responsive teaching in a globalized world
Targeted teacher recruitment efforts are one strategy to improve racialized teacher diversity. Enrolment targets or quota admissions are others. Specialized programs for Indigenous peoples such as the teacher program focused on Aboriginal Education at Brock University or Maori Medium Teacher Education in New Zealand demonstrate efforts to grow the number of Indigenous peoples in teaching. But strategies such as as diversified recruiting, […] … learn more→
Study: $400k a year Diversity Officers do nothing for diversity
It seems every school is loading up on Diversity Officers, filling up Diversity Palaces as they preach Diversity. It’s obnoxious, of course, all the more so because of the ridiculous, truly ridiculous, amounts of money poured into these Diversity Officers: Campus diversity czars frequently draw massive salaries. The University of Michigan’s chief diversity officer, for […] … learn more→