A disruption of the education system is needed in many ways, and big data may provide solutions to a number of antiquated education system issues. The benefits of big data can also benefit teachers, students, and educational institutions as a whole. According to an article published in the International Journal of Computer Applications, “Technology is […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: December 2018

How big data is disrupting an antiquated education system

Educational reforms in 2018: the vain leitmotif of excellence?
The year 2018 will have often heard the trumpets of excellence. Already at the end of 2017, the new president of the Higher Council of Programs (CSP) had had her appointment to her taste “of excellence for all”. The reforms affecting the high school, or the hinge between high school and universities, “Parcoursup” – and which have been violently […] … learn more→

Hungary bans gender studies…not an academic subject
We really are coming to a crossroads in higher ed. A few decades ago, the possibility that a whole department, based on an entire academic subject, would be tossed as “not useful knowledge” would be considered inconceivable. But today, in the United States, this sort of thing is common. Shakespeare is being tossed in exchange […] … learn more→

Electronics journal secretly retracts 29 articles
Our “peer review” system of publishing research is clearly highly flawed. In less objective fields like psychology, past half of such published research has been shown to be not reproducible. Some of this research has been foundational to psychology, such as the famous Stanford Prison Experiment…despite the fame, it’s a fraud. In medicine, we also […] … learn more→

3 Important video formats businesses may need to use
Although there is a huge range of video formats out there, you’ve probably noticed that some are much more popular than others. That is a good thing, because as impossible as it would be to know every single video format out there – focusing on a few that are popular is far more feasible. In […] … learn more→

Are there dating sites for people with higher education?
Not really. Few websites exist that ask for “education” to quality. Even fewer look at “high careers” and “PHD/Masters” educations for dating. However, that is a good question to ask. After all, education matters when dating. Especially if you’re looking for a long-term relationship… How So? People with higher education bring more to a relationship […] … learn more→

Anonymous pamphleteer mocks University “Queen”
I’m hardly the only “anonymous” critic of higher ed out there, and the reason there are so many of us is pretty simple: the rulers of higher ed hold such incredible power, that concepts such as “free speech” or “academic freedom” don’t provide even a patina of protection from those on high. My criticisms on […] … learn more→

How to make your writing tasks fun and exciting?
Everyone knows that college students have to dedicate really a lot of time to their writing tasks. This is a common way to give information and to communicate with others. That’s why it is important to know how to do it well. Another crucial element is to make it fun. Sitting before a clear page […] … learn more→

Are all games “educational”?
The lives of children in XXI th century is very different – and more complex, add some – that she could be in previous eras. But, if there is one thing that does not change, it is good that children love to play and that this activity remains one of the most effective ways for them to learn […] … learn more→

Understanding apocalyptic events through literature
In recent years, we have seen an epic scale of destruction caused by war, terrorism, global warming, famine and the obliteration of human cultural artifacts. These events could be considered apocalyptic — either on a global scale, or as threats to specific communities. When I began studying apocalypses in literature four years ago, my focus was on events like the Holocaust and the […] … learn more→