Being an academic requires a thick skin. Very thick. Part of the job is dealing with a constant stream of rejections – on journal articles, grant applications, speaker applications, promotion requests… Rejection is always disappointing. However, over time we grow to understand that rejections often have little to do with the quality of the work. […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: August 2020

Dealing with rejection

Higher education needs a user experience overhaul
You’ve probably heard the term “user experience” in recent years, though probably not on your university campus. For those who haven’t, user experience, or UX for short, is the increasingly important sub-field of technology in which organisations seek to maximise interaction between users and products and services. By doing so, they make their goods and […] … learn more→

4 out of 5 international students are still in Australia – how we treat them will have consequences
COVID-19 has not stopped international education. As of August 24, 524,000 international students were living among us in Australian cities and communities. They represent 78% of all student visa holders, according to data the Department of Home Affairs provided to us. These students are potential ambassadors for Australia and our institutions. They could help shape […] … learn more→

Now more than ever, graduates need a helping hand from universities
Hundreds, if not thousands, of young graduates have seen their employment prospects vanish overnight as a result of the Covid-19 crisis. Entry-level roles have been the first to be axed, and it’s no secret that this economic slump has disproportionately affected the young. If significant steps aren’t taken to support those fighting for a spot […] … learn more→

International Chinese students are victims of new Cold War
It is not easy being Chinese these days. And it is even harder to be a Chinese student overseas. Chinese students have borne the brunt of the vitriol arising over the alleged origins of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has claimed more than 700,000 lives and infected 20 million worldwide. In practice, this has meant Asian […] … learn more→

How to find the right career for your personality type
If you’re still in high school or college, you are probably beginning to think about what your interests and passions are, and trying to determine what profession you would like to pursue. But how does one find the right career? Nowadays, many people in the States are stuck working something they don’t really enjoy, feeling […] … learn more→

Short exercise breaks during class improve concentration for senior students
Primary school teachers often provide students with short physical activity breaks to energise kids and minimise classroom disruptions. Our study, published in the journal Educational Psychology Review, found we should be doing this for senior students too. We found a short activity break can improve students’ focus on the task at hand and make them feel more […] … learn more→

Good sheets: “Les Mandarins 2.0. A Chinese bureaucracy formed in the American style ”
Between 1999 and 2010, at a time of profound reforms in the university system and administration, a new type of university training in public management was set up in the People’s Republic of China, the MPA ( Master in Public Administration ). This master may at first glance seem an astonishing creation because of its foreign inspiration in […] … learn more→

Controlling children’s passwords is a flagrant breach of their privacy
Passwords, by definition, are secrets. We use them to identify ourselves to systems and gain authorized access to places that other people are denied access to. Every online account is an identity, but only if it is reserved for the exclusive use of its owner. But when it comes to the passwords of children, grown-ups […] … learn more→

Campus closures are not inevitable
When Taiwan’s Ministry of Education issued strict guidelines on how schools, colleges and universities should act to contain the coronavirus, many assumed that our institution would be the first to close its doors. This prediction was a reasonable one. After all, National Taiwan University (NTU) has more than 2,000 faculty, 32,000 students and is located in the […] … learn more→