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Insights on the increasing number of cyber attacks

Insights on the increasing number of cyber attacks

The Recent Cyber Attack on Equifax It was recently reported that between May and late July of 2017, hackers breached the cyber security of Equifax and gained access to the personal information of 143 million Americans as well as some Canadian consumers from the province of British Columbia.  This was discovered in late July, but […] … learn more→

LIGO announcement vaults astronomy out of its silent movie era into the talkies

LIGO announcement vaults astronomy out of its silent movie era into the talkies

When LIGO detected its first gravitational wave back in September 2015, I was pretty excited to say the least. As part of a decades-long endeavor, our whole team was ecstatic to observe gravitational waves – which are literally ripples in space – caused by two black holes smashing together. It was the first time that Einstein’s predictions about these […] … learn more→

The only safe email is text-only email

The only safe email is text-only email

It’s troubling to think that at any moment you might open an email that looks like it comes from your employer, a relative or your bank, only to fall for a phishing scam. Any one of the endless stream of innocent-looking emails you receive throughout the day could be trying to con you into handing […] … learn more→

Three reasons to think twice about mapping the brain

Three reasons to think twice about mapping the brain

The brain has a geography that matters. The cerebral cortex (the grey outer layer of the brain) is folded into our skulls in such a way as to reduce the wiring length of our neurons and improve cognitive function. Needless to say, this folding is incredibly complex. In order to examine and make sense of […] … learn more→

The most exciting technological advancements of today

The most exciting technological advancements of today

There’s no doubt that technology plays an important role in our daily lives. Everything we see around us is the result of technological advancement, one way or the other. Every generation has had its own share of technological advancements, from the invention of transportation to that of computers. Here are some of the most exciting […] … learn more→

Inside the fight against malware attacks

Inside the fight against malware attacks

When malicious software attacks, computer scientists and security researchers want to know how the attackers got into what was supposed to be a secure system, and what they’re actually doing that’s causing problems for users. It’s a growing problem, affecting government projects, retail stores and individuals around the world. However, fighting malware is a cyclical […] … learn more→