Tag Archives: Accreditation

Student enrollment falls at colleges and universities that are placed on probation

Student enrollment falls at colleges and universities that are placed on probation

Whenever a college or university gets sanctioned by the agency that provides its accreditation, fewer students enroll in that school. That’s what I found in a study in which I examined whether the sanctions influence how students decide which schools to attend. In my analysis, I looked at whether schools given a warning or placed on probation […] … learn more→

Higher Learning Commission: Accreditation is no sign of quality

Higher Learning Commission: Accreditation is no sign of quality

The College Meltdown recently had a post which basically said what I showed years ago in my book: accreditation is a fraud. Before going on, a quick overview of accreditation: well over a century ago, our institutions of higher education got together and decided to share ideas on how to run their institutions. It was a completely […] … learn more→

The online looting of student loan money

The online looting of student loan money

So I’m wading through a long and surprisingly accurate (for Ctrl-Left hate site Huffington Post) article on capitalism’s looting of student loan money. While the article will blame capitalism, I still maintain capitalism is simply taking the money our government foolishly piled on the table. It does so more efficiently than our established state schools […] … learn more→

Black Women’s College to lose accreditation

Black Women’s College to lose accreditation

Accreditation is mostly a slam dunk, and once you have it, the student loan scam provides such an abundance of funds that you generally keep it. That said, a school can lose accreditation. It’s rare, mind you, but I can’t help but notice a school can’t lose accreditation due to lack of academic integrity (hi […] … learn more→

The predatory Art School

The predatory Art School

It’s no secret that the for-profit schools are doing the most harm to human beings via student loans…it’s such common knowledge that they are shedding students quickly, many have lost half or more of their students or shut down in the last five years. Now, the only reason these schools gained such infamy is our […] … learn more→

Armed with better data, will Accreditors finally have to act?

Armed with better data, will Accreditors finally have to act?

Twice a year, a body of accreditation experts known as NACIQI–the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity–gathers in a windowless conference space to debate the finer points of accreditation. And for the last two years, NACIQI members have come prepared with data on student outcomes to ask accreditors why some of their institutions […] … learn more→

A play-by-play of Charlotte School of Law’s closure -Pt 2

A play-by-play of Charlotte School of Law’s closure -Pt 2

Earlier this month, Charlotte School of Law (CSL), a for-profit law school, finally shuttered its doors, leaving students with few options and tens of thousands of dollars in debt apiece. The closure came after months of the school’s tangling with its accreditor, the Department of Education, and the UNC Board of Governors, which grants its […] … learn more→