It is not easy to teach about race in today’s political and social climate. One hundred and sixty years after the United States abolished slavery, racial differences continue to spark pervasive misunderstanding, engender social separation and drive political and economic disparities. American educators are naturally intimidated and, at times, discouraged by the huge task before them. Yet race […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: racism

Racism is such a touchy topic that many US educators avoid it – we are college professors who tackled that challenge head on

Dismantling anti-Black racism in our schools: Accountability measures are key
Education is built on the belief that people can be more. In the words of the 20th-century American sociologist and writer W.E.B. DuBois, an important anti-racist leader and figure in the development of African American education, “what people are depends on the way they have been educated, the way … their possibilities have been developed and […] … learn more→

The hidden story of when two Black college students were tarred and feathered
One cold April night in 1919, at around 2 a.m., a mob of 60 rowdy white students at the University of Maine surrounded the dorm room of Samuel and Roger Courtney in Hannibal Hamlin Hall. The mob planned to attack the two Black brothers from Boston in retaliation for what a newspaper article described at the […] … learn more→

We must come together to dismantle racism in higher education
There have been many seminal periods in the long and continual struggle for racial equality. Perhaps this will be one of them. The killing of George Floyd has illuminated the inequality that continues to pervade many societies and has prompted a global discourse around the power and privilege that accompanies whiteness. Higher education institutions may […] … learn more→

9 tips teachers can use when talking about racism
As Black Lives Matter protests rage across the world, many of us are motivated to learn more about racism, and talk to our students and children in ways that can facilitate change. Education is a powerful took for creating change. So, it’s important teachers don’t shy away from difficult conversations in the classroom, even if […] … learn more→

There’s a history of white supremacists interpreting government leaders’ words as encouragement
White supremacist and militia organizations are exploiting the government’s chaotic response to the coronavirus for recruitment efforts. Whatever his intention, these groups interpret President Donald Trump’s tweets to “LIBERATE” states and calling armed protesters “very good people” as support for their cause. Recent research by the Tech Transparency Project into social media accounts of white supremacists, a nonprofit that researches “the […] … learn more→

Stanford: Dungeons and Dragons is RACIST
The “new thing” is often declared the problem for society’s ills. Television and comic books, when they came out half a century or more ago, were blamed for why children were so disobedient, for example. A bit more recently, Dungeons and Dragons was targeted when it achieved some level of popularity in the 70s, with […] … learn more→

Science and Tech Conference: Whites need not apply
One of the many, many, problems with having our campuses taken over by Progressives is their racism. The only real advantage to the takeover is this racism, long hidden via “wink and a nod” policies which were never in writing (but enforced through hiring and firing)…are now ever more commonly in black and white. This […] … learn more→

Extent of institutional racism in British universities revealed through hidden stories
“So how’s it going at work?” It’s a common question. The kind of question which normally opens a nice warm catch up between friends. But if you are a non-white academic, the question carries a different connotation. You might respond to it with an eye-roll and a sigh, which tells your friend what they already […] … learn more→

Yale: White boys should be watched as enemies
As long as it’s in the news, let’s pick on Yale some more. One of the big problems on campus today is the lockdown to Progressive/Leftist/Cultural Marxist thinking…many departments, many fiefdoms, are filled exclusively with people who hold one particular set of beliefs and, more importantly, will not allow anyone who thinks differently to exist […] … learn more→