Suicidal behavior is one of the main health problems worldwide in youth. In Spain, it is the leading cause of unnatural death, even above traffic accidents. According to data from the National Institute of Statistics of Spain , in 2020 3,941 people committed suicide, of which 300 were young people. More and more adolescents report wishes to die, communicate their intention […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: April 2022

Suicidal behavior in adolescents: what should we be aware of?

This is how schools and institutes should be designed
It is not only important what we are taught but where we learn it. It is not the same to receive classes in dark, cold and echoing rooms, than in rooms with good light, good acoustics and views of nature. The design and distribution of educational spaces, something that is usually considered secondary, if it is […] … learn more→

Despite $400 boost, Pell Grants fall far short of original goal to make college more affordable for low- and middle-income students
Back around when the Pell Grant was created by Congress in 1973 to help students from low-income families pay for higher education, it covered 80% of the costs of attending a public four-year college or university. And it covered over 40% of the costs of going to a private one. Today, thanks to increases in tuition costs and Pell Grants not […] … learn more→

Bullying: why most people do nothing when they witness it – and how to take action
Imagine that you are at work, and you witness a colleague repeatedly bullying another colleague. What would you do? While many of us like to think that we would interfere to stop it, surveys show that most employees who witness bullying situations, known as bystanders, do not respond in ways that would help the victim. Instead, up to […] … learn more→

Women who study computer science and mathematics: who they are and why they are so few
Why in 2022 almost 75% of graduates in science, technology, engineering or mathematics in Spain are men? According to several studies carried out among high school students based on the Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (Index of Abbreviated Mathematical Anxiety, in Spanish), women show higher levels of anxiety than boys when faced with the forms of evaluation in math tests. From these investigations, […] … learn more→

Who will call out the misogyny and abuse undermining women’s academic freedom in our universities?
Threats, intimidation and misogyny have long been a reality for women in public life around the world, and the pandemic appears to have amplified this toxic reality. Aotearoa New Zealand is led by one of the world’s best-known female prime ministers, Jacinda Ardern, and was the first country in the world to grant all women the right to vote. […] … learn more→

6 effective ways to help a child struggling with dyslexia at home
According to statistics, approximately one-fifth of school-aged children have a learning disability, with dyslexia being the most common. Unfortunately, there is no “cure” for dyslexia, but there are some tools and tips that you can use to help your child. 1. Understand the Struggle If you do not struggle with dyslexia yourself, you probably don’t fully […] … learn more→

The three magic words to deal with bullying
Peer violence at school, whether physical or mental, often occurs without the knowledge of teachers or caregivers at the school. That is why the newly created figure of the child welfare and protection coordinator is important . This is a person with a specific profile and a delicate and fundamental task, a new figure that each school and institute […] … learn more→

How early childhood education is responding to climate change
To the untrained eye, the small community garden on Coast and Straits Salish territory — on what passersby commonly know as the University of Victoria campus — might look unruly. Bursting with dandelions, lamb’s ear and grasses, it’s difficult to tell where the garden starts and where it ends. Wondering where those boundaries begin and end has […] … learn more→

When parents turn children into weapons, everybody loses
Domestic abuse can involve one parent using a child as a weapon against the other parent, which harms the child in immense ways. My research has identified how these dynamics play out and examines the damage. There are approximately 5.7 million cases of domestic abuse in the U.S. each year, and in some of those, mothers and […] … learn more→