A very important step-by-step listing of car crash tips for teen


Getting a driver’s license is often the biggest thrill in young people’s lives. The ability to get out on their own, to go where and when they want (within reason, of course!), is priceless to teenagers.

In anticipation of this unencumbered freedom new drivers will be having, parents should do their best to prepare their new driver with relevant and very important information relating to the safe operation of the vehicle. Things to cover can include how to check oil; how to change a tire; what items to always have on hand (phone, emergency numbers, all relevant paperwork, etc.), and other topics of concern and importance.

One aspect of driving that neither teenagers or parents like to think about, but nonetheless should be thoroughly prepared for, is the possibility that the teen could, at some point, be involved in a car accident.

A car accident, no matter the severity, can be a very traumatic experience for drivers of any age. Teenage drivers can be especially shaken by the experience. The more they know about what to do when the accident occurs (and for that matter, what NOT to do at that point), the better they will be able to handle this stressful situation.

Ideally, when parents broach this subject with their teenager, it would be best to have a clear and concise listing of tips, resources, and facts the new driver can study and get a good understanding of. The Teenage car accident guide can be a terrific text to review and print out.

This guide, provided by the law firm Sutliff & Stout, outlines a very important step-by-step listing of car crash tips for teens. It clearly outlines what steps the driver should take, in the right order, which is extremely important at this difficult time.

A lot of people can look at lists, such as the one that Sutliff & Stout provides for free, and may pass such things off as ‘common sense’ when they’re sitting down comfortably in their living room and poring this information over. Things can most definitely be much different in the moments following a frightening car accident. So this printable list could very well go with the rest of the relevant and important paperwork safely stored in the glove compartment.

Very important car crash tips for teens, touching upon relevant actions that must be taken, and information drivers can use, include:

  • Check for injuries
  • Call the police
  • Take pictures or video
  • Move the car to safety
  • Do not admit fault or blame the other driver
  • Call parents or a guardian
  • Don’t ignore pain or discomfort
  • Write everything down

It’s also extremely important for the driver in the accident to get some very important facts recorded right then and there. Such facts to write down include the other driver’s name and driver’s license number; their address and phone number; the other driver’s insurance company; the other driver’s insurance policy number; and any witness names and their telephone numbers. When the police arrive, it is also a good idea to get the reporting officer’s name and badge number.This is really a situation where you just can’t have too much information.

No one likes to think about bad things happening to us. But unfortunately, from time to time, they do. The more knowledge and preparation we can have on hand, and in our minds, the better we can handle such unfortunate events if they do indeed happen at some point in our lives.
