Best employee training practices for healthcare organisations


The healthcare industry is one of the most important industries that need top-notch training practices because their employee performance directly influences the health of patients. Not having access to good training can turn out to be catastrophic.

Training programs help healthcare professionals learn about new medical facilities and to improve their skills in order to deliver quality services. They make employees aware of their strengths and makes them more proficient which leads to them providing careful service during their duty hours. They also help employers retain their current employees and decrease employee turnover. 

Now that we’ve established that training healthcare professionals is crucial, let’s have a look at the best training practices for healthcare organizations:

  • Find the correct training program:

Part of ensuring high-quality training being rendered to healthcare workers is finding a training program that is customized specifically to the needs of your hospital system. Training programs need to be personalized in order allow hospitals addition of their own work policies and important procedures.

A good example of this is Absorb LMS that allows administration, documentation and delivery of training programs. It is a highly popular choice for big organizations that have a large number of staff to train. The Absorb LMS pricing structure includes customisations along with superior customer support which makes it easy to introduce any features that are more relevant to your healthcare workers.

  • Embrace eLearning:

Considering they are always busy and cannot be away from work responsibilities for long, online training or eLearning is one of the easiest ways to provide healthcare workers with effective training. While certain types of training practices must be conducted face-to-face, many others can be completed online. 

It goes without saying the training sessions need to be lively and engaging so as to ensure a high level of employee attention. The eLearning training programs contain bite-sized modules that are convenient for healthcare workers to consume in a short span of time. The consumption of information in small chunks ensures better information recall and retention too. 

  • Incorporate different learning styles:

No two individuals grasp information the same way. Some may understand it better when it is communicated verbally and some may be more comfortable when it’s visually imparted.

For the better understanding of training material, it is very important to consider these individual learning styles and create programs that encompass all of them. This also involves having multi-lingual support so all employees get access to information in the language that they best understand, increasing chances of retention. 

  • Encourage mobile learning:

Traditional classroom training can get tedious and can take up valuable work time from healthcare workers’ schedules. Mobile learning can prove beneficial in such situations ensuring training is being delivered anytime and anywhere irrespective of where they are in their workplace.

The mobile experience makes it easy to consume training material even in breaks ensuring that learning doesn’t stop. This means healthcare workers can complete their training at a time and location of their convenience and plan it according to their work schedule.

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of training practices:

The most important training practices in hospitals include compliance training along with clinical proficiency. But a training program for healthcare organizations is a waste of time, money and efforts if it fails to improve employees’ overall knowledge and competency.

To tackle this, hospitals should develop a system to assess the effectiveness of these programs through research and surveys. This includes encouraging feedback from employees undergoing these training to understand if any changes are required.


Apart from above mentioned practices, healthcare organizations should also ensure that training programs help employees in upskilling without burdening them. They should be able to complete training without having to compromise on their work responsibilities.
