Getting a quote for auto insurance has never been easier, now that most insurance companies offer online quote options. You can also use rate comparison websites that filter results from multiple companies within seconds. However, not all insurance policies are created equal. Just because the process is simple doesn’t mean you should jump on the cheapest option without any further research. Stick to the best insurance comparison sites and consider speaking with an experienced injury attorney who can also provide some insight.
Shopping for Quotes Online vs. With an Agent
Online shopping continues to dominate the way many people conduct business and purchase items and services they need. The same is true with auto insurance. Years ago, the only way to get insurance was to walk into a physical agency office or insurance company. You could ask questions, sign all your paperwork, and address any other issues you might have. Today, you can purchase your insurance and “sign” the policy online without ever having to leave your home.
There are several advantages to purchasing insurance online. You can compare available options from multiple companies without the need to make an appointment and visit an office in person. You can review different policies until you find the one that works best for your needs. You can make up your mind on your own time rather than feeling pressured by any one company.
If you use an agent, you should choose someone who is an independent agent rather than someone who represents one insurance company. Otherwise, you will be shown only the policies available through one company. Remember, insurance agents are still salespeople. Their job is to sell you a policy. While they are supposed to have your best interests in mind, they are primarily looking to get new business. When you shop online using the best insurance comparison sites, you eliminate any sales pressure from the agent.
What to Look for in an Insurance Rate Quote
When looking at insurance comparison websites, you will find there are two main types. The first is a quote generation site, and the other is a lead generation site. With a quote generation site, your information is transferred to the insurance company only when you decide to pursue a quote option. With lead generation sites, your information is sold to various agents and insurance companies. The information you are receiving isn’t personalized for your situation either.
Some websites provide only estimated quotes rather than real-time ones. That means the information you are seeing may be out of date, as it’s derived from historical data. Only real-time quotes are reflective of what you would be paying for that particular policy. Some of the best insurance comparison sites are Insurify,, and The Zebra. They also feature real-time quotes. Nerdwallet is a comparison site, but it does not feature real-time quotes.
Other websites, like InsuranceQuotes and NetQuote, are lead generation sites. If you request a quote here, you must click a box that says you agree to be contacted by insurance or partner companies. That may include robocalls. To find the best car insurance rates, stick with sites that offer real-time quotes.
Speak with an Attorney About Insurance Coverage
You may be wondering what an attorney has to do with the best car insurance rates. Remember that attorneys deal with one of the most critical aspects of an insurance policy—the claims process. Insurance agents can sell you on a policy, but they don’t deal with anything when you need to use that coverage. They may take a report of your claim, but it is transferred to the insurance company and their team of adjusters. Those are the people injury attorneys deal with on a day-to-day basis.
Personal injury attorneys know which insurance companies deny coverage most often and which ones are the easiest to deal with in the event of an accident. They know the defense attorneys that are on staff and what their skill level is. If you get sued by someone, you want to see the insurance company you chose has skilled attorneys defending their insureds.
Some insureds are shocked when their insurance company unfairly denies coverage in a claim. You purchase full coverage, and you expect that it will protect you when you need it most. Some low-cost carriers will deny coverage for a rental car unless you are renting the vehicle because your listed policy vehicle is in the shop for repairs. If you are on vacation and get into an accident with that rental car, it could be financially devastating. You could be expected to pay for the rental car damage and injuries to the other person in the accident.
Don’t get caught off guard by purchasing a policy that may not be the best fit for your situation. Do your research before buying any auto insurance coverage. Compare rates online, read reviews, and talk with a knowledgeable injury lawyer who can help you avoid making a potentially expensive mistake.